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A protocol point here....are we referring to Defence Force officers or Defence Force marines.
Unlike the police force where everybody is an officer in the Defence Force there is a clear distinction between the "officer class" and the marines.

On Blunder gives RBDF officers extra $700k

Posted 9 November 2017, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal


Grammar correction...given that our newspapers are read by people all over the world.
Headline should read FEWER tourists not LESS tourists. FEWER refers to number whereas LESS refers to wholeness. LESS tourists would mean tourists with missing parts.
Not to be picky..but our journalists should be more careful.

"I ate LESS today because in the cafeteria there were FEWER food choices available".
There are FEWER tourists in Grand Bahama giving us LESS of a chance to make more money.


Not to be too picky....but a grammar correction in headline:
Not "less" tourists but rather "fewer". Less of a tourist means they would have parts missing.
Fewer means "not as many"
I have "fewer" dollars now than on Monday. Not I have "less" dollars.....
anyway our papers are read all over the world so need to be correct.


Posted 30 August 2017, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal


A brilliant assessment. His final sentence is the solid truth. Well said Mr Dames.

On Dames: Police keeping us from brink of crisis

Posted 20 January 2017, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal


The Governor General was correct in her actions as she was simply abiding by the constitutional provisions in place to remove/appoint a Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. The "rebels" correctly followed constitutional procedures in place since 1973.
Had the GG not adhered to their request given they had followed the constitution procedures then there would be a problem of the GG not acting according to the Constitution. But, in this matter all parties acted constitutionally. The system works.
It now becomes an internal FNM matter. And the electorate will have the final say in 2017.


people need to be arrested for failing to treat a human corpse with due care...yes there is a law for this...and a lawyer needs to be acquired to sue people.
Further the minister responsible for consumer affairs to bring about effective legislation to see that this is not going happen ever again without consequences.


Yes, this and that church was founded by this and that person and then others by others.
And sd you rightly mention all since the 1600s.
The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ.
Despite all its warts and wounds it remains that Church he founded and to which he said "I will be with always even to the end of time.." and "the gates of hell will not prevail against..."

On Carrying the baton: An appeal to Protestants

Posted 1 December 2016, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal


$825 million is nearly one billion dollars.
This is money that in a sense, for the Treasury, fell from the sky. It was not earned revenue as such....but what a load of cash where is it? What is being done with it? Any going towards our massive deficit? How will it be accounted for? For a little country like ours to have nearly $1 Billion dollars on hand in addition to the regular taxation and govt income is a true windfall. So, again -- whats happening to it?


a good question already asked: Where is the VAT $$
It hasn't gone to the national debt. the hospital? no. education no.
Where is the money?

On Govt considers a hurricane tax

Posted 18 October 2016, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal


ikalik's comments are, in my view, extreme and offensive. While you might have the right to free speech, prudence allows us to measure what we say. You have used words which do not belong here.