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The song was/is hideous and exceedingly gratuitous in its vulgarity. We may have freedom of sSpeech in The Bahamas and so we are free to do these kinds of things but does that mean we ought to? Therein lies the crux of the issue.


why not?

On Murder trial discontinued

Posted 11 August 2016, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal


Unfortunate that Number 1 failed as that protected children and gave them citizenship no matter if their father or mother was the Bahamian...married or not.

However in other concerns involving citizenship, if the foreign husband of a Bahamian woman wants citizenship there is a path to that. He can, after five years of marriage, apply for citizenship like everybody else and go through the process that is already established. He will either be granted it or denied it. Most likely it will be granted all things considered. And Permanent Residency is available with the right to work -- that already exists. A permanent resident can work and contribute to our national life in so many ways -- just can't vote or be elected to parliament or local boards.


The vessel was boadred by Defence Force marines not Defence Force officers.
Tribune call Coral Harbour and ask how to correctly refer to RBDF seamen. In the RBDF there is an officer class...the higher ups everyone else is a marine.
You always get this wrong. The Guardian does not.


Unlike the police force, in which all members from the COP to the newest constable are "officers", it is not so with the Defence Force which operates with a radically different rank structure.
Not all Defence Force members are "officers". The proper term for most members is MARINE
not officer. I would suggest the person arrested is not a Defence Force officer but rather a Defence Force marine. We all should be more aware of this, especially the press and the editors, so as not to make this mistake in nomenclature. In fact there are more marines than officers in the Defence Force.