Comment history

FactsEvidenceProof says...

A rivate contract signed under Ingraham administration; details botched yet agreed to by the amateur Izmirilian and expert China Bank; boy crying poor me when things get out of control; wants The Bahamas to bail him out yet he bails out of taking responsibility for his immaturity; usual suspects defend the deplorable arrogant behavior, joins the chorus to blame the Christie administration; unbelievable! unthinkable!

On Kerzner back with new Baha Mar bid

Posted 23 January 2016, 5:05 a.m. Suggest removal

FactsEvidenceProof says...

This 'article' wins Most Ignorant Post of the Week. Blaming everyone but Izzy for the mess he and former PM Ingraham created. Not giving the current administration credit for protecting the interests of the State, and omitting the fact that the official opposition and supporting fnm cast remains silent on the fact that the EXIM Bank of China is exercising its rights under the agreement signed by an ill-advised amateur wanna-be hotelier. The fact of the matter is that this administration was correct in the position it took in the matter from day one but no, the usual suspects including WT will never give them credit (aka kudos) where it is rightly due. Shame on you, WT, and anyone else who continues to lie about the facts.

On Silent politicians

Posted 7 November 2015, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

FactsEvidenceProof says...

Feel free to leave any time ... your cash won't matter any way

FactsEvidenceProof says...

It is interesting that my first comment did not make the board; however I shall repeat it here for good measure. Most of the comments confirm "Izzy's" lack of expertise as an hotelier notwithstanding his "developer" title. The manner in which he handled this entire debacle speaks loudly to his inexperience as a businessman and savvy negotiator. He has dealt himself a hand that he is now forced to play. He blamed everyone else but himself, having the audacity to suggest that others act as guarantors for his debt to the China lenders. PM Christie and his government very masterfully executed their duties in total transparency on behalf of the people of The Bahamas and ought to be highly commended for their leadership wisdom and insight in these matters. Viva Bahamas!

FactsEvidenceProof says...

All commentary herein literally confirms "Izzy's" incompetence and inexperience as an hotelier, and naturally it is always someone else's fault, in this case, PM Christie, the Cabinet and his administration. Never mind it was HAI to finalized this disastrous deal to begin with. An inconvenient truth, perhaps. Let the chips fall where they will. Viva Bahamas!

FactsEvidenceProof says...

Dr Nottage knows that the public has no confidence in the judicial system and more especially lawyers. Johnson's comments are disrespectful, immature and ignorant. We all live and work in communities despite the fact that they are not always safe and to suggest that the judiciary is the only sector that are ill-equipped to cope in existing circumstances is termed blind ignorance.

On AG defends judiciary after Nottage comments

Posted 19 September 2015, 10:44 p.m. Suggest removal

FactsEvidenceProof says...

If that is what you believe, Observer, then so long farewell SI and you are welcome to join him. There are many more millionaires or better yet billionaires who can make this project a resounding success the least of which include the Chinese. Viva Bahamas!