Comment history

Factspeaker says...

There are not enough rooms in Nassau to handle a stadium of visitors to see a show.


Posted 23 September 2012, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Factspeaker says...

This should be very interesting how this pans out given the considerable amounts of money received from these operations by all political parties.

On Bid to avoid clash with casino chiefs

Posted 20 September 2012, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Factspeaker says...

Ms. Butler better be careful with this one. While she may want to focus on the PLP - Finlayson - City Meat connections, this debacle will pale compared to the Sysco deal if that is approved as there are FNM fingerprints all over that deal from the get-go. It starts with Noel Roberts and runs through to Hubert's right hand man in his second term. The Eastern Road boys may in the end be betrayed by their own. If Christie approves the Sysco deal, he was not the one who let the Americans into an industry reserved for Bahamians,

Very few Bahamian politicians from any party are not for sale, In fact, anyone who can't be bought is usually not allowed to play in the sandbox with them. Its pretty sad.

Factspeaker says...

Change of government is a big time bonanza to King Eric. He now has Palm Cay and Wells at Coca-Cola to add to Nygard to finance his boating activities.

Must be his pleasant personality.

On Coca-Cola sponsors King Eric's 'Queen Drucilla'

Posted 14 September 2012, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Factspeaker says...

People can build executive headquarters on Bay Street to headquarter their illegal businesses. Interesting how "selective" the law is in this country!

On Strippers fined and told to leave country

Posted 14 September 2012, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Factspeaker says...

Sands made millions when his father sold to the "foreigners". He should stop crying like a baby. If he wants to be a brewer, he better be prepared to compete against bigger brewers. Nothing worse than the rant and raves of a child who has been given too much!

On Brewery targets Florida export market for 2013

Posted 13 September 2012, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal