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Faraon001 says...

I Just have one question for you. On what do you base your statement to say that this video is fabricated? Why are you making this forum about how much you hate Cubans? I believe that the majority of us the "Plague" like you call us who live in South Florida visit Bahamas and contribute a lot to the economy of that country.

On US representatives to probe abuse claim

Posted 26 June 2013, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Faraon001 says...

Whether it is Haitians, Cubans, or any other culture that have been mistreated in these prisons, they are all humans to me. If this video is not real, that would be amazing. However, the truth is that something is going on, otherwise all this wouldn’t be happening. I don’t care what race you are as long as abuse and injustice is taking place I wont agree with it. I believe there is been people abused, mistreated, and humiliated. Those people are Humans just like us, not a plague; it is ultimately your choice to take side on this issue. Just think, it could be you or your family.

On US representatives to probe abuse claim

Posted 26 June 2013, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Faraon001 says...

Whether Haitians, Cubans, or any other culture that have been mistreated in these prisons, they are all humans. If this video is not real, that would be amazing. However, the truth is that something is going on, otherwise all this wouldn’t be happening. I don’t care what race you are as long as abuse and injustice is taking place I wont agree with it. I believe there is been people abused, mistreated, and humiliated. Those are people like you, not a plague; it is ultimately your choice to take side on this issue. Just think, it could be you or your family.

On Faraon001

Posted 26 June 2013, 8:42 a.m. Suggest removal