Comment history

Fedup says...

lol couldn't have said it better ........

Fedup says...

they cant be serious ...... what a joke

Fedup says...

Get your story right. Carnival and Disney have no affiliations.

Fedup says...

OMAR.... it's a prison NOT a hotel or vacation spot. Do the crime suffer the consequences.

Fedup says...

Move ALL night spots that caters to locals from the tourist district. Send them back over the hill, cause some of them dont know how to damn act.
Sad to say but anyone found lerking or (loafing) around lock them up. some are going to complain about not being able to enjoy our own country, but who cares anymore.

On Tourists robbed at downtown night spot

Posted 24 May 2013, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Fedup says...

This is one of the reasons why things are the way it is now ..... finger pointing PLP... FNM, guys they are all the same. In public they are against each other behind close doors they are the best of friends.....only us cant see that. This is NOT a political thing. this bahamaland belong to us not the plp or the fnm.

get it together people

On Gang war fears rise

Posted 22 May 2013, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Fedup says...

I'm sick and tired of this FNM and PLP division. It's ONE Bahamas get it together people.

On Others hurt in weekend of violence

Posted 21 May 2013, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Fedup says...

SMDH .... medical attention?

Fedup says...

Mr Rick Bruner, my condolences to you and your family during these trying times.

Fedup says...

Yes the court system may have some to do with the ongoing crime problem in the Bahamas....but people come on. These guys are kids what 18, 19 and 20 year olds (KIDS). While we continue to point fingers at the courts and Government lets sit back for a minute and ask ourselves a few questions. What//when & who are in the lives of the young generation from birth to 21? Where are the parents? Are they getting a proper education?
Kids are are having kids no family structure, from what I've heard teachers are afraid to discipline students nowdays, in fair of be attack at the end of the school day by parents. Young guys hanging on the blocks smoking, drinking mouth full of goal and sagging pants. Young girls pretty much of the same, scantly dressed in clubs gyrating and spinning on there heads. And we wonder why crimes is so high? I say start with parents, your minor child commits a crime, I want to know where were you and what have you done leading up to.
Parents take controll of your kids, set a solid foundation NOW before it's to late.