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Fee says...

Stop allowing foreign investors to betray you with their riches. The Bahamian government ought to be ashamed of themselves to believe yet another foreign investor is here for the Bahamain people. Foreign developers are choosing to monopolize on our land because they see its potential. The problem is, our own governing body fail to realize it’s worth.
Before we sell ourselves short and give away what belongs to Bahamians and the future of our Bahamian children, we should explore local Investors and Entrepreneurs alike whom are all passionate about the development and growth of this country.
When foreign investors create jobs, they rarely give the upper level positions to locals; regardless of their qualifications. Our people are educated and ethical but we are limited. So how can we progress? The benefits from this project isn’t for our people, it’s for the expats and work permit holders. We are left for scraps; minimum wage and limited rewards.
We need a Bahamas for Bahamians! Time to take back what’s ours and capitalize in every industry.
Mr. PM, listen to your people.

On North Andros ‘10,000 jobs’ proposal

Posted 19 June 2020, 2:13 a.m. Suggest removal