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Finesse says...

Most definitely, I agree with you strongly. Broken homes. Cross blood contaminates the soul. Fathers suppose to be the head of house hold and they are the one's faltering. I hope one day that all the dead beat dads realize they serve a purpose in their children lives. Morals Ethics is very important in social living.

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 14 May 2012, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Finesse says...

This blog is not to bash each other but to have great intellectual conversations about the heavy weight of negative actions that is destroying our country. Our opinions and advice is our own and we want to be heard. WE meaning proud citizens of the Bahamas (bahamians). So lets do that and be respectful of each other. We all are adults and we can have a mature conversation without fighting.

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 11 May 2012, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Finesse says...

I agree with you strongly. WE meaning parents? That's where it all starts at home...And if there's not peace at home, how can we have it on earth? Parents need to take more time and consider the facts of them not been around. It affects the children emotionally, physically, spiritually and educationally.

Finesse says...

This is not about a Political Party being in power. Its about the well-being of the country. Whether PLP, FNM or DNA is in power, they still have to do the work that is necessary to combat crime, develop our country, create jobs and improve our education system. So don't point fingers. You are thinking with a one track mind. So think objectively.

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 11 May 2012, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Finesse says...

The death penalty need to be put into place for criminals. Right now criminals think they have the upper hand and that they are living above the law. Criminals knows if they commit a crime, get a lawyer and sit on remand for 3 months eventually they will be out on bail to reoffend. It’s a game to them. What happen to the Cat Nine Tail or Hanging? These criminals have no regards or remorse for humans because they are doing their criminal acts in broad day light. heartless humans. This need to be top priority.

On Mother and son murdered

Posted 10 May 2012, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Finesse says...

We must give the PM some times to work his agenda and implement his strategies. Yes, there have been a few murders while he was sworn in but its a continuation of revenge. So just pray and be patience that change will come and that it will come in a timely manner.

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 10 May 2012, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal