Comment history

Flyingfish says...

Lol this was the same party, that threaten to kick out the Bain & Grants Town MP(Travis Robinson) for voting "wrong", despite the last Government's super-majority and said bill(I believe it was the VAT increase) was going to hurt his constituents.

Minnis is a bully and a dope. Pintard is a Hypocrite. And Sands one who quite often refrains from the truth.

Flyingfish says...

Talk about **R**oyally **C**orrupt **I**nvestments, Another act selling out to foreign companies over Bahamians. This man think that this somehow changes the situation.

Because he is claiming that they(PLP) opposed the action because it didn't have enough Bahamian involvement, yet OUR law literally requires majority bahamian construction teams and don't allow foreigners to do entry level jobs Bahamians can be found to do.

So what exactly are Bahamians more involved with now then before. Oh wait, yes it's shares.
Unfortunately, Abaco Joe and Bain Town Moe won't get to purchase any. Only a select few Bahamians can purchase the select few shares. So what Brave is saying quite clearly was he was fighting to give some of his wealthy friends & himself some more cash and once the deal was profitable enough he was all ears.

Any Bahamian with decency should not Buy shares, perhaps allow Mr. Smith to recover what was taken from him. This whole saga is just disgusting.

On Davis: RCI work to start soon

Posted 9 March 2023, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

As long as the FNM is paying the damages I don't object if they truly broke the law. I just find it bit weird that the supreme court has the matter.

Flyingfish says...

Taxes aren't bad when correctly implemented. People who own gargantuous amounts of property should pay taxes. Instead of imposing tax on all properties(especially Bahamians) they could instead create an estate tax for large properties or a property value tax. This would ensure that those who hoard Bahamian land pay for it.

Another possible smart tax is a services tax. Taxing individuals who build things in the middle of nowhere or outside settlements for the services costed to power their home, which many foreign property owners do.

However, the government refuses to change the tax structure because they are not interested in the average person let alone average Bahamians. They want us the people to pay taxes, while they(elite) get the lot of our lands for themselves and force us to pay to run water/power to their mansions.

Flyingfish says...

I'm speechless, I don't know how to respond to this garbage. What constituency he represents?

On Leader without a vision

Posted 8 March 2023, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Laws for thee and not for me- The Government of The Bahamas.

Flyingfish says...

Some of these liberating stances come with other agendas attached. We'll be making women so equal that a man can become one too.
Yes, we need to review our citizenship and sexual assault laws, however I would bare caution leaping behind American policies. We see how "well" they do domestically when it comes to race and other social politics.

Flyingfish says...

This article is hitting the nail. We're so accustomed to borrowing that we don't establish any consistent standard that we will abide by ourselves.

On Lack of speed signs in kmh

Posted 6 March 2023, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Is that all you take out of this article. Minnis is right about Cat Island's dilapidated state. Unfortunately, he is wrong when it comes to Killarney being all happy and rosy. Especially when the sidewalks & curbs are crumbling and his administration conducting tree felling only to leave all the stumps in the ground.

Flyingfish says...


On FNM wikipedia

Posted 2 March 2023, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal