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ForeverDreamer says...

Dog Attack Averted

On ‘Police shot and killed my dog’

Posted 19 June 2024, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Is this the morale issue they were talking about? Smh, please... The fact that the police are just getting rulings for homicide in the coroner's court is a long overdue. When you know at least one person shot by mistake and that the police walked away without consequence, it's crazy to see this behavior in this article treated as some isolated events.

ForeverDreamer says...

It is has always been alleged that many collisions occur due to poor maintenance and mechanical issues. Persons hop in rentals, their own or borrow a friend/family member and drive these vehicle like well maintained and tuned performance vehicles. The average purchaser as well is not performing a lot of critical or non-ascetic repairs. These issues are not even just about contributors to initial collision but the results of collisions and health concerns due to exposures. Airbags are not required to be repaired at sale or inspection, but people will pay hundreds to have the wheel section visually corrected without care for the actual airbag functionality. Body repairs are being done not to any code or regulations. Junk titles with compromised frames and structural parts of cars are imported and ascetically repaired with welding and filler then sold. These same cars fail the basic standards for collision testing (regionally) after such type of repairs. Emissions are horrible to persons in traffic who themselves or their children have to endure a smoky vehicle dumping way worse volumes of dangerous chemicals (some always exist in exhaust of course). HVAC systems with issues and mixing of engine exhaust due to poorly maintained vehicle puts drivers and passengers at risk especially to chemicals without noticeable scents.

Of course, I don't believe it to be feasible to suddenly adopt some utopian set of vehicle standards as this would fundamentally price out a significant portion of the population from 'road worthiness' but an actually critical set of requirements will help this country in so many ways. And a recommended list of items would allow the public when maintaining their vehicles or purchasing, the relevant information to make informed decisions.

Of course the bureaucratic issues exist and can be expected to impair the correct execution. To the note of impaired driving, we in the last what 3-4 years banned drinking and driving or at least made it a ticketable offense no? Before, reckless driving was a catchall easily discredited. As to marijuana, opiates or other substances that may impair driving, I agree with a standard set of tests should be adopted for traffic stops for suspicion or observed usage of such substances.

ForeverDreamer says...

Jesus, you really do hit every bad take possible.

ForeverDreamer says...

1,000 persons knocking on your door and only the most expensive companies willing to document adherence to building codes or even have knowledge of building code measurements and quality control. Let alone, insurance, certifications, membership with the BCA even though the BCA has seemingly done nothing about it's members poor behavior historically.

Even the BCA's own website only list 102 registered members. One would assume the other 898 knockers are known and understood to be unmonitored and non-members to the BCA who disappear like thieves in the night with hard earned funds of the Bahamian public.

During a dispute with a contractor I've asked them to inform me of the standards they were performing work under as their work was covered under our building codes and they were not able to furnish a single measurement within the codes of this country or any country in our region. At this time I was told that I was ignoring the years of experience and listening to Google and Youtube. It's almost as if they fear the client having any level of ability to review their work with standards and codes they seem to have never even looked at.

On Construction chiefs differ on labour gap

Posted 31 August 2022, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

It's funny that the BCE and the BSE never make announcements in the customers interests. This particular item of course is 80% out of their control but in other articles combined with this over the last year, they talk about contracts like it's a whip to bully contractors and are trying to get liens, and contractual clauses to the benefit of the contractor but never they would dare suggest a client have right to assess a lien or enforce penalties....

ForeverDreamer says...

It's funny that the BCE and the BSE never make announcements in the customers interests. This particular item of course is 80% out of their control but in other articles combined with this over the last year, they talk about contracts like it's a whip to bully contractors and are trying to get liens, and contractual clauses to the benefit of the contractor but never they would dare suggest a client have right to assess a lien or enforce penalties....

ForeverDreamer says...

That is not the simple truth of what happens though.

If she assaulted a police officer, whether by accident or intentional due to not wanting to obey his traffic orders etc., then she still committed the offense.

I think in the article mentioning another officer chastised the alleged officer who is the subject of this assault matter would need to be clarified. If, for instance he was told to leave it alone due to her station, then that's a reinforcement of bad Bahamian practices. However. if he was going to subject the minister to the casual abuse officers apply to everyday citizens and was chastised for almost being caught doing to to someone with authority, it's still a relevant matter for good of the public.

On a personal note, a motorcycle officer recently was travelling without siren or lights in the oncoming lane veering into my lane casually and I alerted the officer with my car horn as I approached a red light as to avoid being in a collision. The officer for some reason was spooked even though it was just a tap not a hold and I thought that was odd. However, 10 seconds later the officer apparently had made a U-Turn and walked his bike to the left drivers side after peeking at my dashboard and he gave a quick good day sir before asking "Why isn't your car licenced?!".

I explained that is in fact licenced, and he said "Orrr, that say 2023 eh?". He then looked about my vehicle and my person as if searching for something he could continue this seeming petty act due to being spooked for veering into my own lane. After a few moments he just continued on and went back in the direction he was originally headed. This isn't really abuse but the nature of how police act in the country is tense and sometimes based on personal issues.

ForeverDreamer says...

The Lincoln Cult reigns, is what you utilized to say I'm ignorant? I didn't even state a position beyond the person's cult like behavior. Same as whenever people cite politicians in arguments as "They are doctors and have their own money, they don't need this, etc." is the Cult like behavior since it seems you require a bit more clues to understand.

Hopefully you won't too be waiving a firearm not licensed for protection in the bush as if some parody of a Golden Ratio meme.

If you need more contexts or clarifications, I am more than willing to help you navigate in the comments.

ForeverDreamer says...

Based on this, the lady even if she was correct, should have been terminated and not awarded damages.

All she had to do was gather the racist, sexist evidence and file a suit.

All she had to do was document the names of the persons who "Came in as visitors" and reported it to Immigration. Of course, there would be people being paid off. This claim seems most likely true of it all given immigrations horrible turn around times and a scheduled requirements for their teachers/staff, but that doesn't mean they didn't break the laws or are hiding a significant breach being alleged 35 or so.

Mr. Lloyd cannot be besmirched as mentally unstable for having a stupid and negative reaction to being fired for informing an employer about a bad employee. They should review his actions and the schools actions and award the net damages between the two set of breaches.

Also, the school saying they "received a slap on the wrist" is a blatant warning siren of a needed review of that case and the current file for that school.