Comment history

ForeverDreamer says...

The Lincoln Cult reigns.

ForeverDreamer says...

So again the gentleman addresses none of the issue of is area, still believes Abaco should be autonomous and then says no changes should happen even when it's rife with financial cheats?

ForeverDreamer says...


ForeverDreamer says...

The retailers screaming that they would be practically paying you to buy their products is a huge red flag. For one, AID would become one of if the only automotive supply company with the resources to supply these products benefit of scale price reductions. While this by itself, should not disallow innovation and punish a company for being successful, I can't stomach the idea of intentionally organizing the policies to increase AID's market share.

They don't even pretend to be good faith by arguing for a dynamic system that would allow corrections and consider inflationary items outside of the control of the retailer. Such as, no specific pricing issues, analysis posted online for the public to review their working? Proposals for so called "Cheaper options by manufacturing" proposals, reports, anything? They say the government uses price control as a political bat to hit businesses and pretend to help the people. If it's that significant of an issue, have they invested in any kind of analysis rather than use spicy words such as 33% cheaper etc?

ForeverDreamer says...

I can agree with jail time penalties for being caught with contraband but in what study or statistical information provides that this can be productive in anyway other than to the sensibilities of the aggrieved or the public at large?

ForeverDreamer says...

I don't see how that makes it unrelated. The Crimea annexation had similar sanctions but I don't recall if it was as far reaching. So Russian aggression against the Ukrainian state being unrelated to market prices due to removing these oil commodities source for those aligned with western opposition to the Russo offensive seems confusing.

ForeverDreamer says...

You claim to have some higher understanding of the text without evidence but conclude my statements are wrong due to my lack of knowledge. I have read the text from cover to cover, along with other religious texts. Since I am so misguided, perhaps you will cite your rationale based on the scripture you feel is compelling. Unfortunately, this would require you to actually provide a basis and argument that now can be discussed or possibly refuted using the same text with reasonable and supported interpretations by difference scholars or religious bodies. So, peharps you may cite where certain othordox/jewish sins are no longer valid due to being Christian.

But you never even address the question of, if murder is forgivable through Christ and you accuse this of being murder which arguably it is, then how about you reconcile why one murder is not forgivable seemingly. If you mention the laws, then I would assume any law that is condoning of sin, is equally from "deceivers or fathers of the devil"?

I am not bothered by people's personal beliefs of the Christian context the nation was founded under, however a man who scream knowledge or wisdom of his own religion's text but refuses or is unable to demonstrate the basis of this, seems like a man who has forgotten Mathew 6:5.

On Cabinet discussing abortion legal change

Posted 24 February 2022, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

My question as to the financial results of these islands was not* meant to inflame or to belittle. I hope this was not assumed from my original reply. I simply wanted to know how do people know that they are not actually getting a fair share without anecdotally mentioning property taxes being HIGH in some areas based on land value and new buyers. I have inquired in the past for a client analysis for economic activity by island but was never able to receive the data for many reasons provided by local authorities inclusive of Inland Revenue and other agencies.

I ask if you have the information but you mentioned I can ask, so I mention I have asked not received. Perhaps you may make greater headway? I would be interested and I feel it would serve your concerns and the people of Abaco if that information is obtained. Information is the first tool of a reasonable argument about benefits of taxation of a community that perceives it is being short changed.

ForeverDreamer says...

I have no issue doing what you accuse me of, but I would call it reasonable equality due to inherent differences, not "faux". But otherwise, I am happy you recognize the intent.

On Underground abortion industry

Posted 24 February 2022, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

I believe it may serve the Bahamas to cut incentive programs to nursing introduction at low to no cost of education and placement. Then increase overall benefits and also move to the model the nurses protested for the shifts. Perhaps this would be a give and take, and some may say cutting the introduction incentive of new nurses would be bad, but the funds they save for their education is a pittance to the loss of income from not taking up foreign/sometimes local private jobs thus we only seem to have influx if inexperienced nurses and and outflux of qualified and nurses with 5-10 years of experience. Which I would believe is the worse outcome, having a large amount of inexperienced nurses who end up being underpaid versus fewer more experienced and well compensated workforce which I would suggest would be a more motivated labor pool and could result in better results if done right.

On Action needed to halt nurses exodus

Posted 24 February 2022, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal