Comment history

Fortherecord says...

@Johnq - government failing us miserably for the past 2 decades - seems to me to be a lot longer than that!! Maybe your too young to remember otherwise.

Fortherecord says...

This is all just too,too sad! The beloved Bahamas is falling apart and all you can do is trade insults with each other! In the meantime the present government takes all the glory for the wonderful LOP airport: the brand new hospital building almost to completion: Bahamar, finally progressing beautifully. Has anyone looked closely at all the aged people who have been promoted to positions of importance around the world (and at home?.) Where are all the bright new young people who should be out there waving our bright banners high? our bridge to the future. Again - does anyone really care??

Fortherecord says...

Thankyou hotep86 - I listened to PMC on both channels 11 & 12 & apart from being appalled at his very undiplomatic response I did know it was in reference to Nygard - and not the Cuban fiasco. Who is doing the reporting around here? and does anybody check anything & does anybody care about the dreadful direction this country is taking. I fear for my grandchildren now!! Just look at all the cover-up that has been done with the Ambassador and all the money that this must be costing the Bahamas - when we don't have any!!

On PM: Minnis will pay price over Cuban claims

Posted 24 August 2013, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

why do you keep on muddying the waters!! We are talking about B.E.C. NOW and what Perry Christie plans to do!! Stay with the program!!

On 'PM taking Bahamians for fools'

Posted 15 August 2013, 8:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

But how do you feel about the privatisation of BEC? Is it going to be good for us? or are you only concerned about what the former PM has to do with it all? PMC can do no wrong as he takes the country wherever he wants? with no-one able to stand up to him it would seem!

On 'PM taking Bahamians for fools'

Posted 15 August 2013, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

@Tal - I thought you were complaining the other day cos Hubert hadn't flown away! So you really want BEC to be taken over. Wonder how Mr.Miller feels about that!

On 'PM taking Bahamians for fools'

Posted 15 August 2013, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal