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Foxie says...

Simple question.... If one is an illegal, not a citizen by birth, has not been granted citizenship legally how does one have any rights or entitlement to claim ownership of any land in this country.

Fred Smith Q.C. Needs to be charged with treason for manipulating the Courts of this country and his papers taken from him shredded and put on a sailboat with the rudder set for his true home country.

Shame on him and his legal team & the judge that allowed them self to be manipulated as blood is on their hands. Like the old people say 'God don't like ugly'...

Also, it is time for the bungling, unqualified wanna be so called pompous ass Attorney General to hang his hat on the nail, pack his bundle and go home in shame.

As Bahamians we can no longer sit idly by and watch our country disappear before our eyes. The government is allowing foreigners to buy up our land and now they want to pay foreigners for our land that Fred Smith is helping them steal.

Enough is enough.

Foxie says...

Munroe is correct. Neither The Bungling Attorney General or The Dumb Prime Minister seems to have read the constitution which they both took an oath to uphold.

Minnis "The Dumb" & Bethel "The Dumber"....
May God help us all

Foxie says...

Greg Cleare... isnt he one of those so called "White Nights"..???
Maybe the Minister of Trade & Industry can answer that...

Foxie says...

Rubis needs to come clean. Rotting vegetation is crap. That proprty was formally a Turtle Farm and when Texaco originally built the small Seaside Station the land was filled in with conch shells. When the site was cleared to build the Starmart more shells was added.

When I operated the facility Texaco had to bring in experts and they dug and installed test wells to monitor the site. The stench was horrible and unbearable at times and could be smelt by surrounding neighbours.

Whether or not there has been a fuel leak since my tenure I cannot say but there was no leaks when I operated the facility from 1993 to 1999.

Conch Shells is the worst thing to use for landfill especially when right next to land and on high tide its worse.

Foxie says...

If all the officials at Nema would stop trying to find/makeup excuses and just shut-up, stop, sit & review there actions, preparedness and warnings to the Bahamian People of the approaching Monster maybe, then just maybe they would all tender their resignations "Forthwith" .....

Thank God for the Weather Station & The Florida News Stations.

resign nema officials. That is the Honorable thing to do.....

Foxie says...

Mr. Miller says that you will not see VAT on your bills until February. Well, I got my bill for December 2014 / January 2015 and guess what, VAT for days in January is on the billl........ jokesss...
Also, how can BEC charge "VAT TAX" on "fuel tax".?????????. vat should only be on actual useage only...

Foxie says...

I wonder why Loretta "The Slapper" Butler-Turner picked this topic.. Surely, she can't be blaming the PLP for this as the FNM did not see fit to update from the old fashioned ledger to the so long ago modern computer.... Maybe, just maybe, she went for an appointment and they said we lost it so sorry come back nest year.... mmmmmmmmmmmm... wonder if anybody get slap.........

Foxie says...

The Fire Department should know that a so called control burn on a windy day can get out off control or the wind can take burning ashes flying into the air and onto other buildings or such. Are they actually trained in "fire prevention"? Also the persons responsible should pay the damages and not us the poor tax payer.... what say you mr. prime minister...????

On Fire breaks out at Police Headquarters

Posted 7 March 2013, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Foxie says...

The Fire Department should know that a so called control burn on a windy day can get out off control or the wind can taste burning ashes into the air and onto other buildings or such. Are they actually trained in "fire prevention"? Also the persons responsible should pay the damages and not us the poor tax payer.... what say you mr. prime minister...????

On Foxie

Posted 7 March 2013, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Foxie says...

awwwwwwwwwwww ... papa mad.. so to mad for papa.... go back to sleep...

On Foxie

Posted 26 January 2013, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal