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FreeUs242 says...

The Americans are well protected and have certain laws for international companies hiring their people to obey the american way. If their Gov doesn't require it, then it is a choice for all Americans. No American gets paid under their minimum wage working for foreigners. Bahamas is totally different, the foreigners have all say over Bahamian Government.

FreeUs242 says...

They lied about everything to the public on vaccines not being mandatory for workers. Private companies operating here should obey the rules of vaccines being a choice of free will. That's how much freedom international businesses have over a Bahamian owned companies. Nothing is going to be done with employees facing discharge for denying to obey the requirements to keep their jobs. Government give them that much power to mistreat the Bahamians.

FreeUs242 says...

PLP and FNM are complete liars. I don't get why ppl keep voting in these parties that always fail the Bahamians. They don't give two cents how to uplift the ppl here without some sort of trickery. Election is coming, so they all up and hyped to gain power again.

FreeUs242 says...

The lies of politicians brought in the third wave.

FreeUs242 says...

Just how abuse can occur anywhere, it can happen at a government facility. Maybe she is telling the truth of being raped by the officers but because they think they are law enforcers, they can make up any false narrative to make this woman look crazy. Yes, immigrants are abused in many other countries including the Bahamas. No one should be held that long unless it is a criminal offense committed by that individual. Release these ppl to go home already.

FreeUs242 says...

Like I said, GoV is above the law. Happy to lock up citizens over fake PCR test but holding ppl against their will should be punished to full extent and pay the damages of false imprisonment of a national. It's going to get deleted from the system like it never happened.

FreeUs242 says...

Ppl are so happy to be fed with all these white lies from GOV, it's funny to see how their stories changes overtime. You can never trust any info coming from these ppl mouths.🤐

FreeUs242 says...

What a liar...

FreeUs242 says...

Government is a liar....and blatantly feeding the crowd toxic information that they cannot stick to their own fibs.👍

On Virus variants are cause for concern

Posted 22 April 2021, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Alot of lies and misinformation coming from Government that they can't keep their stories straight.