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FreeUs242 says...

All of them are not immigrants. Drunk will be everywhere because they are mostly Bahamians living on the streets. They too have rights to go wherever as a regular citizen. It's so easy to beat down on the poor but the illegal millionaire mafias can live comfortably in the Bahamas running joint operations with government and overseas partners, double standards for the rich and poor in the Bahamas.


Posted 13 April 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

They don't want the Bahamians to be richer than them because that gives them the chills at night of losing power and status. Being a business owner under our government is torture of having to put up with their ridiculous demands of extortion. If anyone ever considers running a business that is very successful, pls expand beyond the Bahamas.

On ‘Now it’s our turn to help’

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Greedy politicians who want a chance at becoming Prime Minister so bad but doesn't have one ounce of honesty and empathy towards their own. Everytime election is near, everyone out there selling dreams to become the next lying PM of the Bahamas. After election, nothing just scandals, increase taxes, sanctions against the public and so on.

On ‘Now it’s our turn to help’

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

But he's quick to minimize ppl's national insurance. Nothing wrong with helping a country in devastation but ppl here barely make a suitable paycheck because the government refuses to increase our wages. NIB cuts ridiculous, sometimes social services reject ppl that truly needs help making it a longer process. Where is the money to fund St. Vincent... our treasury is broke, no more. Another debt is coming forcing Bahamians to pay back all the their burrowed cash to finance their rich lifestyles. They can start by downgrading their homes, cars, travel expenses, family allowances etc, that money will be able to help St Vincent.

On ‘Now it’s our turn to help’

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Instead of doing the right thing, our leaders had a fun time taking loads of cash from the immigrants to stay here until covers get blown, nothing new.

On ‘Making money off The Farm’

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

If the government really cares, they can help donate new stalls for those ppl. I remembered back then when it was big argument of trying to revamp that dock for guess only and the vendors was not having it. A new look would be nice if the vendors are not ban from continuing their services.


Posted 13 April 2021, 7:58 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...


On The American turbo-charged recovery

Posted 12 April 2021, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

They will continue to target the the medical world to get ppl sign up for receiving vaccines until it is replaced with a newer system. It can be tomorrow, 15-80 years from now, this is the new normal for the elites who's pushing hard for controlling all on earth. Our government is all in to obey the global orders.

FreeUs242 says...

False imprisonment has already began in our country, jobs requiring to receive it or not be able to work, maybe food stores will be up next, then harsher penalties to be release to the public. All of this is a layout of the upcoming punishments for refusal of the mark. A digitalize society that will be able to group who belongs to work, sell ,travel, buy food and services in society. A set of governing rules for humanity to obey their evil guidelines and a false doctrine in the making.

FreeUs242 says...

I think this is the system to the mark of the beast that will allow an easy transition to receive it. The vaccine system will remain until the antichrist goes public. The mark will be distributed during the time of his rule. He's in hiding awaiting for the system to be completed until it is time and the world will have a choice to obey his orders or face imprisonment, death and famine.Young and old to receive it and that is what the vaccine system is doing. It's not the mark but the system for it. I think the first targets will be the vaccinated ppl to choose whether they want it or face charges even death in the last days.