Comment history

Friend says...

Let the dredging restart! Enough said.

Friend says...

Sheeprunner12, I wish we could get Port Authority out of Lucaya, Grand Bahama, then give Butch Stewart some properties so he could bring good hotel jobs to that island. Have you found out how Sandals Emerald Bay is working out for Exuma and the Bahamas on a whole?Butch Stewart provides the best hotel jobs including benefits in the Bahamas. You give some Bahamian rich guys the same property and they would have sugar plantation wages, thus strikes upon strikes then a closure of the property. I don't think Butch would invest in Lucaya, Grand Bahama because of the economic destabilizer that is known as The Grand Bahama Port Authority. Bahamians should have been petitioning their government to chase them out of the country years ago. I love My Bahamas! Ask the minister of tourism how good Butch Stewart, the Jamaican born and raised foreigner and hotelier is to the Bahamas. Did you read this newspaper some days ago and see where the minister heaped praises on Butch for what he is doing for the Bahamas. He just opened one hotel each in Grenada and TCI in less than a month, and another will soon be opened in Barbados. Walk good my son until.

Friend says...

Do you think so John? Well, there is a saying that says, it is something to come and not something gone, so if you are correct we will see John.

Friend says...

Oh John, Oh Johnny my friend, I am one of the biggest advocate for the welfare of the Bahamas. This is my last comment on this matter. Nothing damage the marine environment of the Bahamas more than the high demand for fish and conch by the Bahamian people who live high on the Bahamian waters. I'll bet that you are have some form of sea food today, and most likely the rest of the week for dinner. Am I correct John? Look at the amount of wild hogs in Exuma for example. Some foreigners were shock to know that the Bahamian people haven't created a pork industry in the Bahamas. John, go and eat some pork, steak, chicken and vegetables for dinner sometimes. As early as 9:00 A.M. you guys are having boil fish, good God! For an healthy body, you need protein from meets my friend. Cut down on the heavy demand for fish and conch and that will go a long way to save the seafood industry in Bahama land. Have a good jerk pork cook out next week end, please I beg you.

Friend says...

You know, too many Bahamians like to cry foul and make false statements and claims about things that they don't know about for sure! Every time some form of development come to this country there are some people who cannot wait to vent their opposition about it. This dock will benefit Bimini and the Bahamas on a whole in more than one way. It will generate more visitors from other islands as well, thus enhancing the well being of more Bahamians economically! Do you all remember what Bimini was like even just ten years ago? You loud -mouth people who can see only as far as your nose need to stop. The dredging for this small dock will ruin Bimini fishing industry? How many fishermen have been catching fish in that area for a living? Come on now and talk some sense, let me see you do so. Do you want Bimini just to be a tiny village where fishermen live? You all remind me of how the Republicans in the USA ripped Pres. Obama and his health care program. Do you know now that there is a deafening silence about that matter among them? The reason is because it works and many of them knew that all along. In two years after this dock goes into operation, I want to hear from John, Biminirick, Biminihomeowner, Blackcat, bigbadbob ,etc. Be wise and just don't have a mouth mainly for talking.

Friend says...

One of the big problems in our country is corruption. Every man has his price. Another thing is that many of these folks are related to or friends of politicians, police officers, judges, etc.. If not, they have friends who are friends of these people! You think about what I am saying here. We need to be talking about taking back our country from these folks and have them tried by a tribunal, then severely punished for crimes committed against the Bahamian people.

Friend says...

It is only a pity that the female immigration officer didn't get a shell for helping in the crime! Oh they will be getting bail on their first appearance in court as per Bahamian life style.

On Immigration officer 'drove getaway car'

Posted 21 April 2014, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Friend says...

You are missing the point here brother. The question is, what would happen to anyone in the Bahamas or the Bahamas government if hanging were to resume tomorrow? I would like to know the answer because it should be of concern to us. I have a good feeling as to what would happen. These dirt bags must be taken out. And you know what, these guys are fathers of children with their genes which in my opinion is a serious thing!

On Family member tells of horror of shooting

Posted 12 April 2014, 8:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Friend says...

Now, where do I start. Ok. why the Bahamas stop executing these murderous bastards?? We are sick and tired of hearing about the Privy Council this and that. This question is mainly for the mostly-protected folks who are governing our beloved country. Could you please tell us what the Privy Council could do to anyone in the Bahamas or the Bahamas on a whole if hanging these bastards should resume tomorrow? Just tell us what would happen to us. These murderers are very brave and heartless, and they believe that they have a good chance of not being caught. Additionally, they also know that if they are caught they won't die for their brutal crimes committed against us. Do you know how many of these dirt bags the USA executed in the last 12 months?? Most Americans support the death penalty as most Bahamians do. The Bahamas will resume executions after a well known, very privileged Bahamian met the same fate as the person in this report (God forbid). Bahamians owe it to themselves to demand what is best for them from their government. There is too much complacency in this small country!

On Family member tells of horror of shooting

Posted 12 April 2014, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal