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GFerguson says...

Interesting economics jhwgburnett. I do also agree with John as well. However jhwgburnett, for businesses to continue to be profitable they have to adapt to changes. A new law or new products can cause a substantial difference to a businesses. In this case, the web shop guys already have the means for research and development plus their hands are in the pockets of influential people. Thinking that persons buying numbers would be reduce according to your analysis is thinking narrow as the dynamics of running a business is always changing. Consider this:
I really dont care for buying numbers or "spinning" but I do like poker just never played with real money. With gambling being legal, im sure someone will open poker houses and I will consider going there. This is one of the possibilities of legal gambling. I never use to gamble but if a poker house opens I would.
Now the claims being posted around Nassau of the benefits of voting yes is also not accurate. I can say many things about this but the bottom line is that the country minus the number houses is a constant; they do not benefit the Bahamians directly or indirectly to a large degree as to consider them a commodity.

But whatever happens happens. Do as you wish people. I aint mad at ya

On GFerguson

Posted 15 November 2012, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

GFerguson says...

So this why when people say after you do something stupid, "you gatta be from Andros". Only there you could make a speech like that in hopes that people believe what is being said

GFerguson says...

It is good to know what all political figures are saying as they may be in power some day. Besides him correcting the tribune for a recent post, you now have in perspective the unemployment percentage and how much work permits were given to foreigners for jobs that Bahamians themselves can do.
Let us be civilize about our views and the way we project our opinions.

GFerguson says...

Then spray yourself with spray paint, take a picture and post it on facebook then maybe i wouldnt think it is much of a big deal.

On Graffiti assault on dog

Posted 21 April 2012, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

GFerguson says...

First off pay attention to your country and its issues. Every nation has its fare share of knuckle heads so get your head out of your rectum and talk about things that the readers care about!

On Graffiti assault on dog

Posted 21 April 2012, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal