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I was away for awhile, but was devastated when I visited and saw how Grand Bahama had become. Gone, was the beautiful places that I used to walk through on some Saturdays. I wondered, what happened to my island? More so, it was not because of the storms. Grand Bahama is one of the most beautiful islands there is. It has everything: good beaches, Forest, places to explore, big roads, and it's clean. The potential is plenty. The problem is, there are a lot of underlining problems there, and it has a bit to do with the people. The people there are good, hard working people. They are survivors. They will come together in times of crisis. They believe in family. They believe in God and they love the island very deeply. They love their country. However, they are oppressed, by some of their own people of that island. Sadly there are some self inflicted wounds on Grand Bahama. Besides from needing to be a bit more of a friendlier place, an example of the problems is, if a big businessman come's in and want to have a business there, some people, in business and not, will tell him that he doesn't have to pay the people hardly anything. Taking advantage of the people's desperation for a job, even though the business man wanted to pay well. Some of these business people from other countries bear some prejudice, and had taken some advantage, as some will. That is just a couple things. Yet even though there are things like that there, the people still want a better life. Many of them want things like that to change. They want a better island, they want better government people on the island and better local government, that are useful and not worthless, and also they do not want the island to be owned by foreigners in any way shape or form, because they love it, it is their own. Though they welcome businesses. They are Bahamians, and they want the government to bring the place back. Many have left, only because they had to because of no jobs, but they want to go back home. Grand Bahama has potentials, it can be used for factories and industries. The people know this, they hope not to do only tourism work, they want to do other things also, they want more choices. As for what happened to bring it to the state that it is in? All I can say is, quite a few things from what I can tell. I am from there. It's a wonderful island, I love it. I just hope it gets better very soon, we need it too.


The 'new' PLP you say? It's okay to be new and shed all that was wrong, but you have to be smart and strong when you do it. You keep what was good, and be rid of what was bad. The Bahamas was a stronger, prouder country one time ago. Maybe the PLP helped with that back then. They need to get it together, without the bad stuff of the past. They can. The PLP party seemed to have had a dream, a desire and some love of country before, before they made big mistakes, and some still while they were making mistakes. They did have something. The Bahamas is a good country, and still has the potential to be much more in the Caribbean. We can be a very clean country, as was probably wanted. With laws about clean in places. maybe even in neighborhoods, like in Italy. We can have children with manners, if we develop a subject about etiquette and social and community behavior skills, in our school for the children starting from Primary grades. Parenting in the homes has dropped a little. We need to get back to the family structure. Also, have more things like Girls Brigade and Boys Brigade and Girls and Boy Scouts. This can help take their minds away from crime. I don't know much about Monique Pindling, but she or anyone in the PLP party can make us wonderful if they have four things: Love of country, Love for the people, Guts, and a strong belief in God. They can make the party better than ever before with these.…


President Trump has done more for that country than any other president ever, in a short time. He is changing the face of politics, making the world to see that politicians are expected to WORK, and many established politicians do not like that. He says, country first and my people first, as it should be in all countries. The media has been trying to destroy him. Lying cnn, msnbc, cbs and NBC, and so on. Only foxnews is partly honest, at least a little fair. I have been saying for years that the media is too bias, when they should just be doing their job as a journalist. Anyone can say whatever they want about the man, but Donald Trump has already accomplished a lot. What does that say about politicians everywhere who have been in politics for years and years? We have been fooled by politicians for decades, they are lazy, most of them. It's time to be fed up with them and demand results. Trump is even defeating ISIS, of whom I wont be surprised is coming in through the weak Bahamas immigration to the Bahamas. Reports say that they are already in some Caribbean islands. We can hate, judge, talk about badly, but you still have to accept it if a man is doing a good job.


A leader should have four things: 'Love of country. Love for his people. A desire to serve. And he prays to God, if he is smart enough to realize that he cannot be a successful leader without his help.' These things are all a leader should have to govern correctly. Without it, he has already failed you as a leader.…

On A Leader with Purpose

Posted 4 November 2017, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal


Our beaches belong to the people.…

On Taking our beaches back

Posted 4 November 2017, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal


Perry Christie have let me down. I believed in him, I trusted him, but he made us a little weak as a nation. I am the only person in my family that is a PLP and I still believe in the party, because I can remember when they were so patriotic, they really did love the people. The PLP had something that is rare in governments, they were unique, they were bold and dared to care for the people of the Bahamas even if it upset others. Then it all changed. I hope that this party comes back strong again. They have made major mistakes but they once made me so proud to be a Bahamian. I still am, but the country has plenty of problems, we are slowly being changed. Yes some of them need to go away, and I don't know much about this Pindling lady, I am watching it, but I am still willing to give the PLP party another chance. This coming from someone who was once a true FNM before she changed.

On Perry Christie out of touch with the people

Posted 4 November 2017, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal


We cannot take on the world's third world nations. We are just an island nation with limited to give. We are not big in size. It is not racism or prejudice, it is simply a fact. It's not about black, white, Asian or nation. We must be smart. The Haitians (and other folks) are fine people but there are just too many of them. It is not that they exist, it is the amount. We have to send illegal people back and stop giving out citizenships and work papers for people to compete for our jobs. We used to look to take in people who can create jobs, business people. Now we have takers, as if we are God and savior. They are using their children to hold us hostage, and many are falling for it. We need to send the parents back with their children and when the children, whom we care about, are old enough at a certain age, if they choose to be here instead of there, we will welcome them with open arms. Legally. We cannot encourage illegal immigration, we have to be strong and bold for the country sake. Now we have more countries flocking in here. Our lines used to be short, but now they are hours long. Our schools used to have more attention from a teacher, but now the classes are too full. We are small, but they are great, and our government is not bold enough to fix it. The Bahamas is not a heartless nation, but we cannot afford to be foolish. A soft heart will destroy you. A wise one will save you.…

On Passport to a better future?

Posted 4 November 2017, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal


This is what happens when governments are careless with immigration dealings. You have to be strong. As much as I feel, more for the children of these folks, we are not Florence Nightingale. We are just an island nation with limited of what we can give. We cannot take on the rest of the third world. Turks and Cacois is now learning this the hard way. These other countries must at some point, help themselves and it's people. The Haitians are a nice people but let's face it, they are a problem. Not because they exist, but because there is just so many of them. It's not the people, it's the amount. It drains a country. Now we have other third world nations flocking in here. People who can not give anything, except compete for our jobs. It has made life hard for Bahamians. Lines years ago that were short, are now hours long. The people coming here do not help the country. They do not have businesses that hire Bahamians, producing jobs. Nor do they help make the land beautiful. If I am wrong, just take a look at Mud and Pigeon Pea. Both once beautiful places. They are using having children to hold the country hostage, and it is working. What happened to the strong country that I once knew? Weak government have practically destroyed us. Will we let it completely destroy us because they are thinking only with their hearts? Be smart. We must send illegal people back, in order to save this land. We cannot encourage illegal people. When their children reach a certain age they can choose to be here, or there. It's not our fault, they have their parents to blame, but if they choose us we will welcome them with open arms, legally. The way things are supposed to be done. In a way it is good. Maybe one of these children will stay and be the hero in saving their parents country. They really do need a hero. But as for us, we have to think about us first, to survive. These people are not thinking about us, don't be deceived. None of them coming here, black or white, Asian or else, care about the Bahamas except for what they can take from it. We need to wake up and face the facts. Being weak will destroy us.…


I hope that there is no take over of Grand Bahama by anything foreign. It is a jewel of an island, just gorgeous, a jewel to the Bahamas that is big, with perfect beaches, forest land and so much more. I am from there, though not there now, and I have always loved the place. Yet lately I have been hearing disturbing things, such as concerning racism by companies and of such. Now here I am reading this. I just hope that the new Prime Minister is not weak and easily influenced. That has long been a problem in Grand Bahama, which is an island with many underlining problems. One being that if a person wants to come to the island and open up a business, many people of status and name there will tell the person, they do not have to pay the people much. They can use the people like they are nothing. Even though the businessman wanted to pay them a descent salary. Yes there are many sad facts about Grand Bahama and also ones that are self inflicted by it's own people, but it is a good island with people that are willing to work hard and who want opportunities. They are already oppressed and depressed, they are broken but still striving on. They have scattered abroad, but are crying and longing to come home. They have lost and have suffered and have known hopelessness, but still they look for it. Many of them are now very familiar with pain. They live with asking, who will help us? Who will come and save our island? Does anyone care? Will we ever have a savior in our land of Grand Bahama? They know about hopelessness, though they still strive on. So I hope that that government will not add to their pain by giving them away.…


I don't know who you are, or what is it that you really want, but I respect that you can comment. However you started your comment with talk of racism. What I do know is, who we are here in the Bahamas, and we, are not a nation that want to be involved in any form of racism, white, or black. We do not want any groups that deal in division. No KKK. no NAACP, No black lives matter.. We have forgiven the past that was slavery, and have moved on. We call ourselves black, not Africans. We are proud to be a black nation and a people who had forgave the past. We have also forgiven Africa, for selling our ancestors to these other nations that we now call home. It seems that the African Americans have a harder time with this, and probably with good reason. As for the politics in America, I say If Donald Trump is not in your favor, still support him because he is your president, pray that he does good for your country. I didn't always have the guy in power that I wanted in either, but I still wanted the best done for the country. If you are for your president, do the same. As for Merkel and those over there on that side, wow I say, but my good wishes go out to them also. We all must understand that hate is not good. We all must play a part in togetherness. I highly recommend to my country men and women, do not join any group that encourages hate and division. What you wrote here would have been a good debate between you and I in person, or other than here, I love to talk politics, religion and debate about anything, I don't mind the disagreements and agreements, but beneath it all, my message to readers here is, we all must be one for the country sake. No racism. No division. Have a great day.…

On INSIGHT: Racism disguised as nationalism

Posted 4 November 2017, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal