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Gareth says...

Wow! You spent a lot of time writing a narrative but forget to add substance. But I am glad that you started off with our own election over here in Bahamas.

Before elaborating on what I mean about "no substance" let me ask the reader this, do we in the Bahamas need to provide an ID to vote? Like a voter's ID of some sort? Last time I check, we absolutely need identification. So how is it that you liberal minded sheeps keep failing to report that any fully functional society usually would want to insure that you are who you are? Whats this? Because the black and poor people in America dont know how to apply for IDs? Yet, even if thats the case, and its not, they require IDs to apply for welfare, drive, or go sporting events just to make a few.

Debating this is pointless when its with persons who refuse to be objective in their reasoning. I just wish the editor at tribune do better with their "news". But as the saying goes over here, "when America sneezes, we get the cold"