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Geneo says...

Was it really stealing though? The Garraways set-up accounts and paid Direct-TV for the service....their clients paid them,the Garraways for their as best as I can see everybody was getting billed and those bills were being paid. Where is the loss(theft) to Direct-TV?
Now...if the Garraways were able to get the programming from Direct-Tv without paying for it thats a whole other matter.....but they had accounts and paid for them. So I'm not sure it can really be called stealing.

Geneo says...

At the end of the day 3 things have resulted due to the position and actions of the Bahamas Veterinay AssociationOperation ..
#1) the massive spay/neuter operation has been cancelled.....well done the Bahamas veterinary association.
#2) the Bahamas Vet Association has shot itself in the foot and created a huge public relations disaster for itself with both the Bahamian and International public...well done the Bahamas Veterinary Association
#3) the Bahamas Vet Association has negatively impacted the Bahamas brand internationally....well done the Bahamas Veterinary Association.

To Dr. Bizzell and any other Bahamian vets reading this....its time to oust your Association president and governing body as incompetant and vote in a new team who actually have working brains,common sense and a modicum of public relations savvy to clean up this mess.