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Girly says...

Tell em Truth Hurts.The truth is really hurting him,lol.

Girly says...

Well that and the activists looked silly.LOL

Girly says...

Listen Mr Don.These policies were already being put in place since last year Nov 2014.Mr Smith had nothing to do with it.Mr was just to argumentative to listen.

Girly says...

LOL.So true.

Girly says...

Wow. Good point.

Girly says...

Voltaire this is the final analysis. the laws of the bahamas will still be carried out.

Girly says...

No.The effort should start with Haiti.These activist have either been born in Haiti or have parents that were born in Haiti.They visit HAITI numerous times.So tell me why are they not taking their efforts to HAITI to stop them from coming it fear or is it just that haiti would not tolerate their foolishness.

Girly says...

You know what Voltaire.I am glad this happened.I am glad these activists showed their true colors.Yes this may have been hard for the Bahamas but you know what this did?1.We are finally doing something with strength to this illegal immigration problem.2. Stricter laws are being put in place.3. The immigration department is becoming more vigilant.4.Undocumented persons are being documented.5.This is sending a message to HAITI and slowly but surely they are getting the stern message Why? because illegal boat arrivals are coming down.6.The Haitian decent man who said that there are more of them than us would have made his last statement about this because guess what? no more slackness and this will be the start of the last slack ride they getting in this country to claim to be haitian bahamian.Yes activists you have surely opened a good can of worms.This shows 1. Even though the Bahamas has graciously given these second generation bahamians a place to stay with Health Care, Education etc they have been taught to hate.loathe,and condemn a country that so willing helped them and only now want to regulate its decaying immigration system.Yes Voltaire anything worth fighting for will be hard but this I can say that we are making steps to change this illegal infiltrative tactic on our land which is to 1.sneak in illegal2.have massive amount of babies and 3.Force the hand of another mans country to give them something as precious as Citizenship.So yes I am glad this happened.

Girly says...

They have Bahamians brain washed over there aye. Wow a Bahamian attacking immigration officers. That same hostile nature from Haiti seeping into the veins of our people.Get em Mr Mitchell. Use as much resources as necessary to put an end this this.

Girly says...

But what in the world did they accomplish. They did the same talks and Minister Fred Mitchell did not entertain them and the Laws of the Bahamas is still going to be carried out. They might as well had just saved their money. Another thing I keep hearing these Haitian decent saying so emphatically that they cant wait until election time to vote. However it was made clear that they cannot vote. A belongers permit will be given to those born of Foreign parent 's for the right to travel, have a bank account and to go to school etc but not to vote.So they can just sit small with that one.