Comment history

Gladiator says...

The Chinese have been doing this kind of foolishness ever since SDI filed for Chapter 11. They keep making it **appear** as though they are making an effort to move this project forward and get it resolved as quickly as possible in the best interest of The Bahamas but it is all nonsense. They have no intention of selling it to a Western investor hence why they will not give them accurate information, but I can guarantee you they will provide all the information in the world to potential Chinese investors. They play these ridiculous games to try and trick everyone into thinking that they are actually trying their best to resolve this issue but really it's a bunch of BS. They already have a specific plan and they will ensure that plan happens no matter how long it takes, which could be many years from now. If the world doesn't believe the economic stats that they report are true and accurate then why the hell should we believe that they have the Bahamians best interests at heart....?

On Would you pay for a ‘pig in a poke’?

Posted 1 April 2016, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

Birdie do you happen to be racist?

Gladiator says...

John I understand your animosity towards the project as you were apparently lied to by the management team but surely you can't be stupid enough to think that the place will NEVER open. Kerzner could not make a deal because he had no information that he could use in order to make a real offer. I don't expect it to open any time soon but to say that it will never open is pretty naïve of you. Other projects just as large have been in the same situation and eventually they were bought and opened, it was just a matter of time. It is clear that you are looking at this subjectively rather than objectively for your own personal reasons.

On Baha Mar sale process begins

Posted 23 March 2016, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

Gladiator says...

Either everyone is lying to Christie and he is foolish enough to believe all of these lies, or he really is just the stupidest man in the history of the Bahamas to "lead" this desperate country.

Gladiator says...

Don't listen to a word PC says. It's all lies. He doesn't have a clue what's going on and believe me because I work at BM.

Gladiator says...

stislez you really are dumb f*cking assh*le who ought to shut the f*ck up and have a little respect. Go back to school and learn how to write you pathetic piece of sh*t.

On Colin Callender dies, aged 74

Posted 10 December 2015, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

LMAO that's hilarious. Good on you Emac!!!

On 2,000 jobs go at Baha Mar

Posted 23 October 2015, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

Here is an interesting article that all Bahamians should read, including the Politicians as they probably did not even read the Investor State Dispute Settlement before signing it and have no idea how dangerous it could be to the country...…

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"In The Bahamas alone, state-owned Chinese enterprises finance a multi-billion dollar hotel, own a major hotel, are in talks to purchase the country’s national airline, proposed to reconstruct its downtown core and proposed to finance the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, the state’s only electricity company. In other words, Chinese investment in The Bahamas targets the country’s tourism industry, which accounts for over 60% of its GDP and for even more jobs. Bahamian leaders continue to irresponsibly accept Chinese investment projects with no proper screening procedure and no real evaluation of the societal effects of an industry’s foreign ownership and on their citizens’ jobs. On these bare facts, this is particularly worrisome not just for Bahamian policymakers but also for employees in the hotel industry. The Bahamas is particularly vulnerable to Chinese investment due to ISDS provisions in its negotiated BIT with China. When The Bahamas’ BIT with China, signed in 2010, enters into force Chinese investors will be able to directly sue the country for any changes in the tourism industry that affect their investments. In Namibia, for example, Chinese investors signed a BIT with the government before their investments into the country began. Chinese investment throughout the world targets developing countries and many of those countries’ leaders are blindly accepting investments with little to no regard for their long-term effects."

Read more:…

Gladiator says...

Enough with the comrade BS. If you haven't already realized, no one commenting on the Tribune is your comrade, it's quite the opposite.

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 4 August 2015, 8:50 p.m. Suggest removal