Comment history

Gladiator says...

I don't expect having a racist xenophobe as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration is going to add much value to this country, especially one that can only use an abnormally small percentage of his brain capacity.

*"Baha Mar is a commercial entity, designed purely for the profit of the developer.”* Ummmm.... no actually it is an entity designed to add hundreds of millions of dollars to the economy, although the Bahamian economy will likely see a small percentage of that, as the majority will no doubt go into the pockets of the politicians such as Mitchell.

I have a feeling that these "politicians" are in the process of digging their own graves yet are too naive to know it. By attracting this much global attention, surely it's a matter of time before the truth get's revealed and they all get exposed. Maybe in a few months they will have wished they spent some money carrying out a refurb her Majesty's Prison.......

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 4 August 2015, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

Mitchell you're a retarded xenophobe and deserve no place in the Government. You have as much sense as a headless chicken.

Gladiator says...

PC is smoking his crack pipe again.

On PM questions mental health of developer

Posted 7 July 2015, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Gladiator says...

“The bits about corruption and incompetence were part of their propaganda which is simply **TRUE**." Ya can't teach old dogs new tricks!!!

Gladiator says...

The Government is better off supplying every single house with it's own generator rather than spending millions of dollars failing to run a company with incompetent leadership and outdated equipment. Bunch of clowns in Government.

Gladiator says...

BEC don't have a clue how to run a business. They are obviously losing thousands if not millions of dollars TRYING to run that company, which they are obviously failing at miserably. All that money they are losing are Bahamians money, which we are all paying the Government through taxes. They may as well take that money we all pay them through duty, stamp tax, property tax, etc. and burn it as it is obviously useless to them if they can't use it appropriately. Why can't they sell the company to a private company who specializes in operating power plants? This way the Government will get a large amount of money from the sale to pay off all that debt they owe, we will all get cheaper electricity without all of the power outages. Also if the Government had any sense at all they would give Bahamians the opportunity to invest in solar power and enable them to tie it into the grid to reduce the load as well as increase the supply of electricity. We need to get rid of all those old cronies who are outdated and let the young, intelligent Bahamians who understand business and modern technology to run the country.

On HAVE YOUR SAY: BEC power cuts

Posted 30 July 2014, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal