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GodSpeed says...

*"Women who may not have been born here or who have had some stacks up against them like ‘Okay, you know you were not born here."*

People who are not born there **SHOULD** have stacks up against them. I'd expect the same here.

On Born in The Bahamas, and elected in the U.S.

Posted 10 November 2020, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

"President-Elect Joe Biden" Biden hasn't won the presidency or the election yet. It's contested.

GodSpeed says...

The US election isn't over and Biden hasn't won.

GodSpeed says...

These people had so much money through being political cronies and squandered it all, the money didn't even last. Completely incompetent.

GodSpeed says...

Millions of people know the "real story" not only me, it's naked fraud, anyone that's not brainwashed by the MSM can see exactly what's going on. It's people like you that are in la-la land. You're the one claiming hundreds of registered poll watchers are lying about fraud by laughing it off, not me. But you'll have a reality shock before the month is out when the press has to admit the issue is not going away.

Don't worry though, when it hits the courts and reality comes crashing down then CNN and MSNBC will tell you what to think again, probably that Trump is "stealing the election and a racist dictator". The location of the press conference has nothing to do with anything really, it's the witnesses that will testify under oath to fraud that matter and they are in the hundreds, this will go to the Supreme Court. Proof of dead people voting, people voting more than once, and hundreds of poll watchers denied to check hundreds of thousands of ballots, which is standard procedure for mail-in ballots to be counted otherwise they're disqualified, even in the Bahamas our vote counting process has more integrity. Laugh now, Cry Later 🙃

GodSpeed says...

There's lots of proof and lots of witnesses, Giuliani briefly spoke on it yesterday, hundreds of thousands of votes that are to be contested. But when the mainstream media ignores it and social media bans anyone for posting evidence and links because they're both corrupt, it's not surprising people like you think there isn't any evidence. Good thing there's the law and when it crashes with your manufactured version of reality created by fox, cnn, msnbc, Twitter and Facebook... I'm sure you'll be surprised.

GodSpeed says...

Just go watch CNN.

GodSpeed says...

You don't know what a Fascist is.

GodSpeed says...

the media doesn't decide who the winner of an election is but you people are so brainwashed by it you think it does. As the other person said it's the electoral college and they do not meet until December by which there will be many lawsuits by the Trump Administration over this election which will be contested because of voter fraud.

GodSpeed says...

Hunter Biden is literally on tape talking about his business partner the Communist Chinese Spy Chief. Hunter's other business partner, former American military, has already shared the emails between them which are confirmed to be real. There are photos of Joe Biden with the Ukrainian businessman, Hunter etc proving Biden lied about never meeting Hunter's business partners. There is video of Hunter Biden smoking crack and being with underage girls which is considered compromised material that the Chinese government held on him in order to get access to his father. I read your shared links of left wing media misdirection and spin, I'm talking about what I read and saw for myself. You can go read, listen and see all the evidence yourself or you can keep letting MSNBC and the Daily Beast frame reality for you and keep regurgitating their lies like "Trump Russia Collusion" which they all spouted for 4 years and was completely made up on a fake dossier. Meanwhile this stuff on Biden is real and anyone can see it themselves.