Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Dems clean things up? 😂 That's a good one.

On The worst is yet to come

Posted 27 July 2020, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The WHO was part of the failure and was taking orders from China although most of their funding comes from the US. Read Trump's letter to the WHO and you will see exactly how:…

On How we could have prevented pandemic

Posted 12 July 2020, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Looks like Bahamians are starting to eat up all this race baiting nonsense happening in the US, copy the states in everything lol. Pull down the statue and you're still broke, not gonna change. Go get a job.

GodSpeed says...

Glad to hear at least someone is doing good.

On AID sales up 20% - but drop off imminent

Posted 6 July 2020, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Better buy gold and bitcoins.

On Dollar collapse

Posted 3 July 2020, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Marching won't fix the issues in the US and copying it won't fix the issues here. Stop watching cnn, msnbc and the rest of that garbage.

GodSpeed says...

Bahamians are going to die either way unfortunately.

GodSpeed says...

Selling the bags was completely unnecessary, if they have to get rid of them then just keep giving them away for free until all are gone, pretty simple. They have to be disposed of anyway. All this did is cause people to spend more money on bags they were getting for free. Not to mention the reusable bags are nasty, people don't wash them and they carry germs, viruses and bacteria into the stores during the covid era.

GodSpeed says...

Are we gonna talk about black racism against whites too or no?

GodSpeed says...

😂 Copying the States in everything!