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GodSpeed says...

So are you also going to go to Africa and demand reparations from the African Chiefs that sold their fellow Black people to Whites? Or do you only want money from the UK? The Blacks that sold their own get a pass?

I mean this is all stuff in the distant past, the British abolished slavery in 1833! That's 190 years ago! So acting all outraged is silly, especially when there is still slavery today being practiced in Africa, and nobody cares. I remember reading a story maybe 10 years ago about some Black Africans living in England and they had a slave...literally a Black African slave that they got from Africa to them in England and had living with them as a servant. So try to focus on the now, don't you feel silly going on about slavery when you were never a slave and there are actual slaves around but you don't care? Anyone that brings up slavery and reparations today only wants to stir up division or get some free money, the slaves are long dead, may they rest in peace.

GodSpeed says...

Imagine if people that shouldn't be having children stopped having them, the world would be a better place.

On Imagine the difference

Posted 6 May 2023, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

All the slaves and all the slave owners are dead, except in Africa. It's insanity to pay reparations to people that were never slaves and guilt people that were never slave owners. The constant talk about slavery needs to be put to bed because let's be real, none of these woke people in the West give a damn about actual slavery or suffering of Blacks as a race, if so there's lots of real work to be done in Africa today instead of talking about things from 200 years ago.

GodSpeed says...

You are truly clueless. But yeah keep blaming Trump. It's 2023 btw.

GodSpeed says...

They sit at a desk in a suit, taking the money of people that actually work for a living and pretty much running a government sanctioned ponzi with it. Then of course they don't want to pay.

GodSpeed says...

That's how government runs things, like idiots. Over half a million dollars, for a career of what...sitting around in AC doing nothing.

GodSpeed says...

I was 15 when I had my first job at McDonalds, I think it was a benefit and a good experience to get a taste of the real world, after school hours and the weekend. When I had enough I quit and I had saved a good chunk of money by then, was young so I had the energy, didn't feel exploited at all.

GodSpeed says...

This country is comparable to a warzone, 113 homicides in 2021, more were murdered here than US servicemen who died in Afghanistan during the same year, for a population of 407,000. Or compare the Bahamas to a place like Hong Kong that has a population of 7,400,000 people, in 2021 they only had 23 murders. Something is very wrong here. Either the way people are raising their children, the culture, the state of law enforcement, the people themselves, or all of it combined. Might as well put a camera on every 2nd street lamp and have complete surveillance. Then you'd be able to track the murderers as they leave their hovel to go kill and then go back home. Maybe that would work to prevent some killings, wouldn't even be that expensive really, for Nassau anyway.

On Bahamas in top ten for death penalty

Posted 1 May 2023, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Oh well. That family was basically given a golden ticket and still screwed it up.

GodSpeed says...

Why doesn't the UN go and govern countries like Haiti, those that can't function. Instead of trying to tell functional countries what to do, go show the world how your theories and governance can turn a bad situation around then functional countries may be more inclined to follow your model. Of course this is really all about control.