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GodSpeed says...

Oh if CNN said it then it must be true!

On Focus on Trump’s policies

Posted 19 August 2024, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

**TRUMP 2024**

On Focus on Trump’s policies

Posted 17 August 2024, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Go pay rent like everyone else, you don't get to just come here and take land.

GodSpeed says...

Here's the CliffsNotes for those who don't have time to "READ":

"My great, great, great, great, grand daddy was a slave, so I demand free money! (from Europeans only)"

Compelling argument.

GodSpeed says...

What clear bias are you referring to? I have no bias, I just prefer pragmatism. Yes, once all the slaves are dead and all the slave masters are dead then the book is closed. There is no greater "reparation" than freedom. The British took steps to abolish slavery from their global empire, completely, in a time when the rest of the world could really care less. These are the actions of an intelligent people, instead of punishing them and guilt tripping and diving the populace based on race, we should let bygones be bygones and move forward, coming together, revenge is not the answer. Slavery is history, we are all born free for generations, trying to blame slavery for personal failures in 2024 is laughable. If you are born in the Bahamas, study and apply yourself in a good field, stay away from crime and the criminal element, then you will succeed and many have, the ghosts of slavery from a long gone past, didn't stop them.

Finally I will say that the British are a great people, nobody is perfect and slavery was practiced all over the world, the white guilt laid on generations of Europeans who had nothing to do with events centuries before they were born is destroying their societies, once they're gone, the world will be much worse off and the people who still practice slavery in this world, will bring it right back. When Hillary Clinton and Obama got rid of Gadhafi in Libya, immediately the North Africans in Libya began enslaving Sub-Saharan Africans, the first Black US President, Obama, did nothing about it, his government caused it through their actions, you probably never even heard about it, but it happened. These backwards people from Africa and the Middle East that still practice slavery are illegally flooding into Europe and the west unabated, and bring with them their backwards culture, bringing slaves etc. if you think things like slavery can't return to the western world, just wait until western civilization is destroyed by leftists and their illegal hordes.

GodSpeed says...

> Also, if you fast forward to Nazi
> Germany under Adolf Hitler, Jews
> handed over Jews to Germans. But, no
> one dares to make the statement that
> it lessens the atrocity of Hitler and
> the Germans at the time. So, why be so
> ignorant to repeat such nonsense. The
> Jews got reparation.

Not only did Jews hand over other Jews to the Nazis, Hitler's Nazi war machine was funded by Western banks, many owned and/or operated by Jews. Lots of people "dare" to make statements that question the severity of the holocaust but they're usually silenced as anti-Semites, has zero to do with whether reparations to Jews were deserved or not on a factual basis, but really if they want reparations they should go hit up JP Morgan Chase.

Anyway it's a fact that we all have a much better quality of life than if we were in Africa so let's just let bygones be bygones 😊 the UK wasn't the only bad actor, so were African Tribal leaders who have "apologized" yet nobody demands reparations for them, gee I wonder why. Also brushing off modern day slavery as something that's not your problem is exactly what I expected from you. All you faux virtuous types are exactly the same, your type don't really care about the evils of slavery, cause if you did then you spend all your time trying to eradicate it from the world instead of trying to get some money from the UK.

GodSpeed says...

Ah yes, compensation for slavery would have been great..... for the actual emancipated slaves... but they're all long dead now, the slave masters too.. well, except for those I mentioned in Africa, mostly. Everyone around here was born free, so stop begging, it's embarrassing. Trying to white wash slavery in Africa is just sad, even slaves in the US could buy their freedom and "have rights", that's nothing special to Africa, ever heard of William Ellison Jr.? I guess not.

GodSpeed says...

£18.8tn owed in reparations? Where do you expect the UK to get that much money, it's like 9x their GDP 😂

Are you also going to demand reparations from the Africans who sold their own people into slavery, or just the UK? 🤔 Lots of slavery still going on in Africa today btw, but nobody fighting in the west to end it. Some Africans living in the UK today even bring in slaves from their African homelands to serve them. As much as people whine about slavery of the past, you'd think they'd be fighting to end it in the present, instead of trying to get a handout.

GodSpeed says...

A bunch of political crooks tried to rob this man of $830 Million dollars and more when all he was trying to do was invest into the Bahamas and bring jobs, hope he gets it all back and more.

GodSpeed says...

**TRUMP 2024**