Comment history

GodSpeed says...

So sad. What happened to this country...

On Another innocent life stolen

Posted 2 August 2022, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

**deport them** wouldn't be surprised if there are 150,000 of them here indeed, can't step outside without hearing them talking. People are employing them, giving them places to live. Everyone knows who they are just by the way they speak...can't get rid of them then this country is gone.

On Expand visa system to control Haitian flow

Posted 2 August 2022, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

"It's all about the money"
You're probably spot on.

I have a feeling that many in political power, or those close to them, are also benefitting from the labor of these Haitians for their personal businesses as well. 10 years ago I witnessed there was an army of Haitians that couldn't speak any English working in the basements of Atlantis at night. No doubt some subcontracted labor, but surely it takes some connections to get away with brazenly leveraging such a large amount of illegal labor.

GodSpeed says...

> "He also said police continue to seek
> those responsible for harbouring
> foreigners who enter the country
> illegally."

I've never seen a single PSA or anything encouraging Bahamians to report people under suspicion for harboring illegals. No way the government is serious about it. They should be giving out cash rewards, putting up posters, running radio, tv and internet ads with contact numbers/emails to send tips to....most importantly punishing those that engage in importing illegals so severely that others don't even think about it for a second. They know the government and law enforcement are slack about it and that's why they do it. Not just Haitians either but Jamaicans and Chinese are funneled into here regularly by their respective groups.

On Fernander pleads: Help us ID victims

Posted 28 July 2022, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "The Bahamas has long been a hotspot
> for trafficking, either people
> reaching our shores or using us as a
> waypoint to go on to the US. The truth
> is that the biggest part of stopping
> that is to tackle the issues in the
> countries those migrants are coming
> from."

It would also help if the US weren't controlled by Socialist "Democrats" that openly signal and encourage illegal immigration/open borders, exciting these hordes to feel emboldened even more than usual to pass through the Bahamas and Mexico.

On EDITORIAL: What happens to the survivors?

Posted 28 July 2022, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

**DEPORT** immediately.

On EDITORIAL: What happens to the survivors?

Posted 28 July 2022, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The only people diminishing the humanity of Haitians are Haitians. Haitians can't even feed their own children yet their birth rates are higher than ours, even animals like dogs and bears understand to control their numbers when there are not enough resources to take care of their young, they will eat them at birth. Haitians on the other hand prefer to feed their children dirt and keep breeding. They then export their excess all over the planet causing headaches for people in other countries. When you want to be treated with humanity, you should seek to act more like humans that have intelligence, foresight and wisdom. Even rats become worth empathy and more tolerable when their numbers are under control.

They are an embarrassment to themselves and a disgrace to the Black race. If the Bahamas does not protect itself from their unchecked immigration then the Bahamas is surely doomed.

GodSpeed says...

The country has gone right down the drain.

GodSpeed says...

Keep them out or suffer the consequences.

GodSpeed says...

There are more Haitians and other foreigners in the Bahamas now than Bahamians. You can't run errands without hearing Haitian Creole, Jamaican patios or Spanish. I guess as young Bahamians immigrate to the US and Canada in droves they're replaced by them. 50 years from now this country is going to be like the Turks and Caicos, completely lost to foreign hordes.