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GodSpeed says...

The Russians mean any county that declares a "no fly zone" over Ukraine.

GodSpeed says...

Is the Covid farce finally over? Still not taking the clot shot.

GodSpeed says...


On Jonquel Jones leaves Russia

Posted 3 March 2022, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Yes, soaring inflation and possible WW3 on the horizon, what a performance indeed.

GodSpeed says...

The United States could produce enough Oil to flood the market and bring prices down but because of the idiotic Democrats and Biden who are in charge of that country everyone will suffer.

GodSpeed says...

Putin Growl 🦁 Russia Bad. Russia crazy bully and attack for **no reason**. Ukraine Good. Ukraine innocent and didn't have it coming. msnbc, cnn tell me so. 😂

On Putin growls

Posted 2 March 2022, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The illegal invasion of Iraq and the outright lies the media and government spouted about WMDs to invade a sovereign nation. The illegal occupation of Syria by the US. The destabilization and regime change of Libya by the West resulting in slavery of Black Africans, violence, chaos and Libya becoming a transit point for millions of illegals flooding into Europe. How many untold tens of thousands of civilians were killed by the US in these wars for profit? Seemed that every other week the US was droning weddings and innocent families in the middle east and that went on for decades. Even one of the last actions the US did in Afghanistan before pulling out was to drone an innocent family of 10, mostly children. When WikiLeaks and Julian Assange did real journalism and publishing video of US military murdering innocent civilians, the fake news media and fake journalists attacked his character and made him a pariah. The West has no moral high ground, simply the US media and propaganda machine is excellent, suddenly everyone "stands with Ukraine" because the US media blasts "russia bad" all over the airwaves. Do these same people care or even know about the war in Yemen and how many civilians are being murdered there on behalf of US made weapons? Doubt it, the western media doesn't talk about that much. People are truly sheep 🐑🐏🐑

GodSpeed says...

Oil prices don't have to rise if Biden didn't shutdown the keystone pipeline and put a pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands to undermine fracking. The US is buying Russian oil as they talk about sanctioning Russia and with the price of oil going up Russia is going to make lots of money. They're demonizing Russia on one hand but buying energy from them on the other, so are many of European countries that are talking about sanctions. The US wouldn't need to buy oil from anyone if the Democrats weren't in charge. Hilarious.

GodSpeed says...

Masks don't do a damn thing anyway.

On Hotels chief calls for COVID mask rethink

Posted 22 February 2022, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The liberal Swedes are mentally ill, no other reason I could see for importing all of those African and Middle Eastern rape-fugees to ravage their country and daughters.

On Bahamas has highest rape rate in the world

Posted 19 February 2022, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal