Comment history

GodSpeed says...

What did those thieves do with all the money?

GodSpeed says...

Just keep them out of here.

On The facts about Haiti

Posted 19 March 2024, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

You still physically drive around to pay bills? In 2024? Just use online banking, I've been paying my bills online since 2008 at least.

On Issues at BTC and Road Traffic

Posted 16 March 2024, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

What the UN would actually do in the scenario you propose is the opposite of repatriation, they'll use Little Inagua as a staging ground to export millions of Haitian refugees all over the planet and cause headaches for people worldwide, because that's what they do, have countries take refugees in, not solve problems. They want global government in the end so destabilizing functioning societies with people from non-functioning ones is what they're all about. The US and Europe are being flooded by illegals everyday, they could stop it if they wanted to but they don't, they let them in and even give them taxpayer money, so if they don't care about the security of their own countries, they surely won't care about ours. We'll be the first to get deliveries of extra Haitians and they'll make sure we pay for them too.

On A solution for the Haiti dilemma

Posted 16 March 2024, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Stop going to Haiti and then risking the lives of others to have to come and save you when you get kidnapped or something else. The place is a $h!+hole, stay away.

On Pilot tells of daring Haiti rescue mission

Posted 15 March 2024, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Having the government raise children isn't going to work, just going to give corrupt politicians their own army. It's all about family and culture and yes the family unit is breaking down just like with african americans, and where it hasn't broke down people that shouldn't have any business raising children are. We often get a murder count greater than some cities with millions of people living there, so crime is definitely out of control.

On Crime is not out of control

Posted 12 March 2024, 6:10 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I already told you how Haiti can flourish, get rid of all the Haitians.

A fair shake? You think any country in this world gets "a fair shake"? What a country gets, they through intelligence, military might or offering things of value, all of which Haiti lacks, it's a competition not a charity. Only thing that Haiti produces for the world is illegal immigrants, cheap labour and headaches. First they need to stop breeding children they can't feed, then once they show they have the brains to do that, maybe they'll be worth the trouble.

On Haiti a failed state since start

Posted 10 March 2024, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The problem with Haiti is that it's filled with Haitians, remove them all and replace them with say, Japanese, Chinese or Europeans and then Haiti will flourish. 🧐

On Haiti a failed state since start

Posted 10 March 2024, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Seen many tourists riding around on 4-wheelers and scooters without helmets in congested traffic and unsafe conditions. I guess the people renting them the scooters don't care once they get some money but still an incredibly foolish thing do when you travel to a foreign country you're not familiar with.

GodSpeed says...

But they can watch it right?