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GodSpeed says...

Yes America has had open borders for most of its history, you know that part of history before Air travel was a thing, America's population was paltry and the frontier was still rather sparse. After 1921 restrictions were imposed. Now with the ease of communication and travel, having open borders is not a sensible thing to do. You're going to get overrun.

I'm just being a realistic, I think you're the one that's more of an emotion based person, as most liberals are. You're not really thinking about the long term consequences of your decisions.

GodSpeed says...

Diversity isn't the issue. It's about legal and controlled immigration vs Open Borders. If you just open the borders and let anyone in how do you expect America to still be America? Would you just open the door to your house and let any stranger off the street come and stay with you and your family? Why do you think a country is any different? And don't think that these politicians will have to live around these people, they won't have to deal with the repercussions in their wealthy liberal enclaves, you will.

You're letting in people that are largely uneducated, poor and dependent on government, they will eventually be voting for government handouts just like they did in the countries they came from, it will head towards Socialism and authoritarianism, America will lose everything that made it exceptional. Eventually they will turn America into the countries they're running from, then there will be nowhere for anyone to run.

GodSpeed says...

> "Uneducated immigrants have been
> flooding in to the US, for a lot
> longer than Biden has been President."

You mean uneducated illegals? No, not at this rate. Under Trump, illegal immigration on the Mexico border was the lowest in 17 years. Now since the incompetent Biden administration has come into power, this will be the worst year on record for illegal immigration into the USA. The Washington Examiner cited a study that indicates that more than 1.8 million illegal immigrants are projected to cross the border this year. And remember these are people that nobody knows who they are, the numbers could include rapists, murderers, pedophiles, Covid infected, diseased. It's completely insane and unfair to people that take their time to enter the US lawfully and become residents though proper legal processes. I assure you many of these illegals will wreak havoc in the US, there will be murders of Americans by them and it's ridiculous that even 1 American has to die because some criminal illegal was allowed to cross into the US under Biden.

GodSpeed says...

> "The people of Afghanistan are no
> different than you and I"

The people of Afghanistan may not be Taliban extremists but they're still pretty devout Islamists. They not just like you and I, culturally they're very different. What will happen in the US is probably the same that has happened in European countries for importing Muslims. It will create Islamic "no-go zones" where they isolate themselves from the greater society. 20 years from now their children will be carrying out terrorist attacks in the US just like the children of Muslim immigrants do in France. No good deed goes unpunished, enjoy.

GodSpeed says...

> "But are you also beginning to feel
> weariness about the situation? Have
> you heard enough about the tragic
> evolution of events far away in a
> remote land..."

Biden made a complete mess in Afghanistan and you can trivialize it all you want by calling it a "remote land". Won't be so remote when tens of thousands of Afghan refugees pour into the West. Also Biden's weakness in Afghanistan will have dire consequences for world peace and stability. Other nations that depend on the US for security are watching. Also watching are America's enemies and Biden will have emboldened them.

As for America, it has no future as long as Democrats wield power. It's being flooded by uneducated illegals everyday nonstop who will be going straight on the government dole. Weakened abroad by idiotic and incompetent leftist leadership. America is in decline and the world is going to get a lot more chaotic because of it.

GodSpeed says...

They should have used all that money spent on signs to give poor families $50 each to go shop for some grocery then they wouldn't have to be begging me in the food store.

On Signs, signs everywhere . . .

Posted 26 August 2021, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

because he's a gangster.

GodSpeed says...

Something about this story doesn't add up. Why wouldn't you contact your embassy or get a lawyer immediately? This definitely isn't the whole story.

GodSpeed says...

If he's so concerned he should have adopted them