Comment history

GodSpeed says...

The science says masks and social distancing do nothing. But I'm sure if I don't play along with these stupid rules people like you will be angry right? So let's not act like this is about science.

In the US the people in charge are saying a Man can be a Woman. Do you think I trust my health to idiots like that?

GodSpeed says...

> "A fascist tries to steal a fair and
> democratic election by lying about
> fraud."

Trump didn't try to steal anything. He was calling for measures for election integrity since almost a year before the election began. Democrats like the rules loose so they can use their mail in ballot scams and call voter ID racist, it's idiotic. Also lets not forget the Democrats accused Trump of stealing the election with their 4 year long Russia collusion hoax, so are they fascists too?

> "A fascist declares all journalism as
> fake."

He didn't declare all journalism fake, just the fake news corporate media in the US. Which is fake as can be, he's 100% spot on. I mean you do remember how they lied about "WMDs in Iraq" right? Real journalists are people like Julian Assange who exposed the lies and he's in prison for it while the fake news demonizes him.

> "A fascist orders police to arrest and
> attack peaceful protesters."

Antifa and BLM are violent rioters that created damages in the Billions throughout 2020 and lots of death as well. You'd know that if the news you were consuming reported facts.

> "A fascist cuts off a health agency's
> data so he can lie about a pandemic."

never happened.

> "A fascist bans travel because of
> religion."

You mean banning travel from countries where people hate you and want you dead? Venezuela and North Korea made his ban list, I wasn't aware they were banned because of "religion". Real big Muslim population in those countries right 🙄

> "A fascist lies, constantly, about
> everything...."

sounds like the corporate media

> "A fascist threatens a foreign country
> to investigate a political opponent."

Trump never threatened anyone. But we do have Biden on video bragging at the CFR about how he literally threatened Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his crackhead, pedophile son who was making $50,000 per month for being nothing other that Biden's son. He told Ukraine they won't get $1 Billion in US Taxpayer money unless they dropped the investigation. Pretty sure that's treason and it should have indeed been investigated.

> "Just a few off the top of my head..."

More like just repeating the complete nonsense spouted over the airways by the lying media machine for the last 4 years.

Here's something they didn't tell you...
**Trump is the only US President in many decades not to start a War.** Some fascist huh?

GodSpeed says...

lol you actually believe those BS numbers? how naive.

GodSpeed says...

Socialist/Marxist drivel, if you don't like western concepts of Freedom and Liberty then feel free to move to Cuba, North Korea or China where your life and decisions can be guided more like the insect you crave to be, by those, like yourself, who think they know best for others.

There are more unvaccinated people on Earth than vaccinated. **YOU** are in the minority. We don't need to take unproven, experimental, concoctions into our bodies courtesy of indemnified pharmaceutical giants out for profit. All for a virus with a +99.9% survivability rate? Look you authoritarian nutjob, my body, my choice 😃 understand?

Also **thank GOD** for those American, gun toting, religious fanatics 😁 aka **REAL Americans**. It's people like them, that ensure people like you, will never completely take over that country and Freedom in this world can go on a little longer.

GodSpeed says...

The CCP is criminal and arrogant. After the virus leaked from the Wuhan Lab they tried to cover it up instead of dealing with the problem openly. They then used the virus as biological warfare, telling other countries it was "racist" to ban travel from China, then once they cleared the first wave they banned travel from infected nations to China. Hypocrites.

All countries should boycott China after their biological attack on every country on the planet. The Olympic Committee shouldn't get involved, every country should just not show up.

GodSpeed says...

Please explain how Trump is a fascist or how I am a fascist for being pro-Trump? Do you even know what fascism is or did MSNBC tell you Trump is a Nazi and Fascist and you just went with it?

GodSpeed says...

Biden doesn't even know where he is.

GodSpeed says...

Coming out of the public school system alive in Nassau is a feat in itself. Tougher than some prisons in Europe.

On Student killed in school stabbing

Posted 19 May 2021, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Well his Boss said that men who commit suicide are "weak men", there is obviously no concern for mental health on the Police force, therefore the transfer was not considered.