Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Basically you're saying...

> "If you don't agree with me you are
> ignorant"

The fact is you blindly trust authority, and that's fine but some of us don't, why is it that so difficult to understand? You trust Faucci, Gates, MSNBC and giant Pharmaceutical companies indemnified from any loss or repercussion for damage they may create and I don't.

**Nobody** knows the long term effects of the vaccine, that's one "fact" that you do not seem to understand or would like to ignore? If someone is uncomfortable with that **fact** then they shouldn't have to be coerced into taking the vaccine at all. My body, my choice 🙂

On Vaccine dilemma

Posted 23 April 2021, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

only when they're attached to unproved bio weapons.

GodSpeed says...

I mean I can link more if you want. it's funny how much you blindly trust authority, don't you know they lie to you on a daily basis?

GodSpeed says...

See here:

As if the lying media would ever report that she died from a vaccine right after taking it and advocating the vaccine heavily. But even if you don't think she died from the vaxx there are other more obvious cases like this:…

Nobody will blame it on the vaccines of course, even the doctor says it's difficult to determine, they'll just say these people died from Covid, I wonder how many deaths the vaccines will have caused by the time this farce is over 🤔. Enjoy your shots 💉🧬☣

GodSpeed says...

> "The vaccine is 72% effective in
> catching the virus and 100% effective
> in it being fatal."

The only thing the vaccine does is allegedly reduce the severity of Covid symptoms when you catch the virus. But there are people who take the vaccine and still drop dead anyway like MSNBC talking head Midwin Charles.

> "And Bill Gates has absolutely nothing
> to do with it. And there is no micro
> chip in it."

Bill Gates has nothing to do with it? Then why was he on Mainstream news throughout all of 2020 acting as some unelected Nostradamus of medial health authority and quoted repeatedly by all mainstream news? You should tell them he has nothing to do with Covid and the vaccines.

GodSpeed says...

If you still have to wear mask and social distance then what's the point in taking a vaccine? It doesn't stop the spread.

GodSpeed says...

The vaccine does not prevent the spread of Covid, and the vaccinated still have to wear masks and social distance, so why should taking it allow people to "go back to normal"?

**normal is never coming back**

The World Economic Forum and global elite have already said things are never going back to normal. **The Great Reset** is the plan. Governments have become more authoritarian in the West after this experiment. They've shown how easy it is to implement Chinese Communist style lockdowns and control over their slave populations. They won't be giving that power up. Also Covid is like the flu, it's never going away, so don't be surprised if 5 years from now you're under another forced vaccine and lockdown for Covid 24 or something. In fact Bill Gates has already stated on fake news MSNBC, with a smirk on his face, that this is just Pandemic 1, and that Pandemic 2 and 3 are coming. With lots of money to be made for pharmaceutical giants by forcing their experimental vaccines on a global population and governments overpaying for it, another pandemic is actually guaranteed.

GodSpeed says...

All of the employees should pool their resources get a lawyer and sue him as a group, bet he'd back down then.

GodSpeed says...

I loved the one in the Mall but I hated having to park and go inside the Mall to get some, this one will do well.

GodSpeed says...

> "Step Up To The Plate And Get The Jab"

**no thank you**

> "getting hung-up on the “legalities”

lol yeah right? why should we get hung up on what's legal? Getting fussy about things like "human rights" 🤣 Just take the shot you slaves! Only a few will drop dead and get sick in the longterm with all kinds of things we don't even know about yet. Don't you want your job back you peons?