Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Things are never going back to "normal", this is "The Great Reset" haven't you heard? You will own nothing and "be happy". That's the plan for the world.

GodSpeed says...

Trump didn't incite an insurrection, the impeachment is all because the Dems are terrified of losing power to Trump again and they want to make sure he's is not able to run against them in the future. The videos the Dems presented intentionally omitted where Trump said to go "**Peacefully** and Patriotically" to exercise their right to protest. Meanwhile Dems were inciting violence all throughout 2020 with BLM and Antifa rioting. Dems and the mainstream media called mass rioting which caused billions in damage, looting and murder throughout all of 2020 "peaceful". The GOP may be a joke of a party because of RINOs but the Democrat party is criminal.

GodSpeed says...

Do you have anything to say about the actual information or only ad hominem attacks? Attacking the NY Post doesn't mean the information is not correct, understand? What you should be asking yourself if you had any kind of critical thinking skills, is why is that your news sources don't report about certain things like this.

On Vaccinating the elderly

Posted 11 February 2021, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol I don't care what the WHO says, you're not sticking my folks with that. The WHO are incompetent fools that are accountable to nobody.

GodSpeed says...

I recorded it, was wondering what that was...

On ‘UFO’ was U.S. missile test

Posted 11 February 2021, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Lots of people in Nassau have these basic skills and are out of work but something tells me they don't want to pay them anything above minimum wage. That's the real issue.

GodSpeed says...

The elderly are safer without taking the bioweapon. Many cases of elderly people taking the bioweapon and dropping dead:…

One of many.

On Vaccinating the elderly

Posted 10 February 2021, 11:38 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Well Coconuts have sugary Water and Protein, so it's not that amazing. Plus there is rainfall for fresh water. With the Democrats in charge in the US there will be many more Cubans, Haitians, Dominicans and God know what else coming this way.

On Cubans lived on coconuts for five weeks

Posted 10 February 2021, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

More like the lockdown costs. Some countries like Sweden didn't lockdown at all. They're smart people for not listening to the corrupt and incompetent liars like the WHO, US media, Dr Fauci and the CDC.

GodSpeed says...

Then raise the pay. I assure you if you put an ad in the paper/social media, that you're looking to hire people with basic Math and English skills and the pay is $20K a year (not minimum wage) then you will find your 50+ employees. Give them a test before hiring, problem solved. Also it would encourage others to improve their Math and English skills.