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GodSpeed says...

Tony Bobulinski was Hunter Biden's business partner until he found out the Biden's were selling out the country for a few million dollars to foreign interests and came forward with photos and text messages among other evidence. Of course you're completely uninformed about this but regurgitating MSM misinformation, it's hilarious. I'll bet you think there is "no evidence of voter fraud" too right? 🐑

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 6 December 2020, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

You can consume information from anywhere genius, it's up to you to fact check it, we have this amazing thing called the internet now, try using it instead of waiting for the NY Times and MSNBC to tell you what to think 😂 no wonder you support the corrupt ghoul Biden and Kamel Toe, it's because you know nothing about them. Not surprising considering 6 corporations control 90% of the American media you consume and during this election they've all exposed themselves to be in collusion in order to suppress information about Biden. Maybe think about that for a second, and if you don't get a chill down your spine then go back to your regularly scheduled "programming" 🐑🐑

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 6 December 2020, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Joe Biden is very rich, not as rich as Trump but richer than someone who spent a life on a politician's salary should be. He has a number of multi-million dollar homes and he's never had a real job in his life. He's actually the definition of a crooked politician, on record.

Joe Biden made money most recently as VP through his literal crackhead, pedophile son, sending him as a proxy to make deals selling influence to foreign leaders and then splitting the funds afterwards like common thugs. He even bragged like a gangster before the CFR about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor to drop investigations into his son by holding up $1B in US aid. This is all documented, in video, audio, text messages, photographs, emails and more. Overwhelming proof I've all seen with my own eyes. The MSM refuses to report on it and the social media companies delete, censor and ban anyone sharing the information. Joe Biden and his demonic criminal family are completely exposed for anyone who has the interest to see. Yet here you are talking about the Trump family being criminal because of some BS investigations? 😂 Obama and Biden used the FISA court to spy on Trump's family and campaign with fake info made up by their DOJ. That's treason you simpleton. If the Law was equal to all both Obama and Biden would be in jail right now, along with Hillary for other reasons. I bet you believed the Russian Collusion hoax they lied about for 3 years too? Which was completely made up lies with NO evidence, paid for by Hillary Clinton and is now being investigated by special counsel? If you still get your information from people that peddled "Russia Collusion" for the last three years it shows you have zero critical thinking skills. You post the "NY Times" as though they have even an ounce of credibility, they don't, they're Marxist activists not journalists. If they did they would act as journalists and report the truth instead of covering it up and suppressing it along with the corrupt social media companies. What a joke.

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 6 December 2020, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol NY Times 😂. The illegally published tax returns don't serve any purpose but to mislead their braindead readers like you. I hope you're not paying them a subscription to be misinformed. Tax returns don't list all your assets and debt but how you spend your money. Trump is likely income poor and asset rich, with most of his assets tied up in real estate spread worldwide. Of course the NY Times won't tell you that though, you really shouldn't be talking about "education levels" when you're a MSNBC and NY Times brainwashed mental midget btw.

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 6 December 2020, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

It's not Conservatives that want loose election rules that allow fraud to occur. Democrats call voter id "racist", they fight for things like accepting mail-in ballots that don't have matching signatures and other nonsense. Not to mention the voting machines that are completely rigged and have "glitches" that always somehow benefit Biden by taking away Trump votes. They fight against anything that secures election integrity, even dipping thumbs in ink. Why do they do this? Because they want to be able to cheat, the Democratic Party is completely corrupt, including their crony activists in the Media. Our elections in the Bahamas are more on the level than America's because of Democrats. Are there republicans that would take advantage of this? Maybe...however Trump was against the mail-in ballots because he and all conservatives knew it would end up in the mess that it has.

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 5 December 2020, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The Democrat Party today is nothing like the one in 2000 however., they've gone too far left. They are completely radical Socialists pushing things like open borders and defunding the police. Now they call Trump Hitler for wanting borders, look at old videos of Democrats from the 90's and they were pushing many of the same policies Trump pushes today.

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 5 December 2020, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...


On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 5 December 2020, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The Bahamas will become whatever the imf, who, us and World Bank tell it to become. The borrower is servant to the lender.

On Is Bahamas becoming a dictatorship?

Posted 5 December 2020, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol I may be dumb but as least I'm not dumb enough to think the zombie Joe Biden beat a populist President. the real dummies are those who vote and support the criminal Democrat party. You have no idea the agenda these people have not only for America but for the world. Didn't they make you read Animal Farm in school? 🤔

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 5 December 2020, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

including dead people, people who voted twice, illegals aliens, illegal votes... yeah lol a walking zombie named Biden that can't even finish a sentence without stumbling, who has been in politics for almost 5 decades, ran for POTUS multiple times already and lost, all of a sudden gets more votes than your god Obama, the first black president. If you believe that then 🤣

On Congratulations to Joe Biden

Posted 5 December 2020, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal