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GrassRoot says...

who cares whose car it is? LBT needs to apologize and do a good deed, irrespective who drove the car. That's her business. This has nothing to do with party lines, it is just human decency. Maybe she puts in some community hours with disabled persons? (I mean other than spending time in the House of Parliament)...

GrassRoot says...

well I bet you make the same argument if someone else uses your gun....

GrassRoot says...

I think the next brain fart from Fitzgerald & Co should be "Bacon paid STB to pay the thugs to kill the PM. And Nygard is an innocent bystander." - I think that would be the logical extension of their thinking process.

GrassRoot says...

Next Chapter in this thriller is called: "ME against the world". (applicable to anybody that thinks this is applicable to him).

GrassRoot says...

probably officers of political parties represented in the Parliament should be subjected to disclosure as well as well as the officers of recognized Unions.

GrassRoot says...

unfortunately, you have a point there (actually many...).

GrassRoot says...

exactly. it starts with enforcing the laws on the books. Whoever does not disclose can not participate, does not get the car plate, none of the goodies, not getting paid. It is fairly simple and easy to execute. That is something that should be done today and not tomorrow.

GrassRoot says...

The problem this Government is creating is that they are pissing of straight foreign investors that actually leave money on the island and create jobs (Baha Mar, Atlantis etc.) by not applying the rule and letting the thugs loose and threatening the investors (Residency revocation etc.) and on the other side invite exactly the kind of investors that thrive in a environment of corruption and lawlessness (Blackbeard's, what is happening in Bimini, the scams in Rum Cay with people going to jail in the US but not the Bahamas). If you sleep with dogs, you will wake up with fleas.

On Save the Bays welcomes FBI probe

Posted 22 March 2016, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

a couple of things. 1. It is time that the non-politician spin masters are being called out, which seems to be happening now. 2. The Bahamian government is always seeking for sources of revenue. How about a good juicy fine and retroactive lease payments for the occupation of Crown land (Mr. Nygard is lucky not to hold a Haitian passport, else he would have been hounded off the land a long time ago). 3. The whole correspondence shows how soft the government is in implementing and executing the laws (selectively probably).

GrassRoot says...

you are right. this is probably an achievement already.