Comment history

GrassRoot says...

Mitchell is in charge of Foreign Affairs, it is up to him or the AG to negotiate an agreement with Cuba to send illegal Cubans back to their country.

GrassRoot says...

right these are all allegations, these two Cubans are not even charged with anything, bcz Fweddie and AG were too lazy to look into that. The real scandal is that someone, anyone, can be locked up in the is country for three years without a trial. Last time it was a Jamaican, then a Japanese, I mean, when is finally someone taking the AG's office to the cleaners?

GrassRoot says...

there more criminal walking the streets of Nassau than you can count for. Black Suits, loud mouths, kicking the laws and our Constitution with their feet, and hiding behind Parlamentarian immunity.

GrassRoot says...

you are talking about Freddie and the AG for not bringing charges within 36 months of the lock up? Yes, I agree the both belong in front of a court.

GrassRoot says...

The thinking of Mr. Pinder is in line with the DNA of many Bahamians, make more money not working, than if you work. This is the Bahamian style version of the ""work smart, not hard".

GrassRoot says...

cant wait to see how Rollins beats up Gray outside. Gray deserves to be lock up for his role with BAMSI, let alone Gray-gate.

GrassRoot says...

This is another item Fred "Extraordinaire" Mitchell should bring up in front of the UN General Assembly: "We have to find a home for two illegal immigrants that we locked up with any due course and not bringing up any charges, against all common sense, basic human rights and conventions the Bahamas has signed. And I am the responsible member of the Cabinet."

GrassRoot says...

The Bahamas already IS a haven for convicted criminals.... certainly white collar ones....

GrassRoot says...

oh and yes, "integrity" you have to earn. its not God given.

GrassRoot says...

There are things that separate a Man from an Adolescent. There are too many "men" in the Bahamas that never passed the rites of passage. It is this "yes, but.." mentality that builds on a wrong sense of power, virility, ego and a total lack of maturity. This is what destroys this country and its families.