Comment history

GrassRoot says...

pie in the sky, and we in the Bahamas always fall for it.

GrassRoot says...

I like that The Tribune makes this a "foreign" manager vs a "Bahamian" manager and alleges "staff abuse" in a way that it is done by "foreign" manager. Very flat, non-researched story, clearly written at the request of one of the "abused" "Bahamian" "workers" at the resort or so. I am glad this Government is assigning all the resources it has to a case like that incl. members of the Cabinet, while Nottage and Bell have gone missing and people kill each other at their convenience, to make it a round number by 31st of December.

GrassRoot says...

well if you have personal beef with him, drag him to court, but spare us from personal vendettas

GrassRoot says...

bluesky aka birdie?

GrassRoot says...

yep. I would love to see him clean the country, all the debris along JFK, about time that someone starts the process.

GrassRoot says...

who cares. this has nothing to do with immigration. If you want to link personal or professional behavior to immigration, I have a list of about 2000 people that should be stripped of their Bahamian citizenship.

GrassRoot says...

It may not happen, but PGC is right nevertheless. Never second guess the Great Leader.

GrassRoot says...

The AG will be awarded the "Magician of the Year" Award. She has all the tricks and draft bills up her sleeve.

GrassRoot says...

he needs to have his head checked out.

GrassRoot says...

Life is hard, own it, close the shop.