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GrassRoot says...

I have bought the red cross hand crank for cell phones via a Duracell rechargeable battery. 30 min of cranking gives me 8 min of IPhone battery. (sweat). but it works. Cost total USD 30.

GrassRoot says...

now get some Cuban doctors and send them to the Islands. Cheaper. Promote healthy food and introduce a soda and sugar tax. Better. Make people exercise, improve the Phys Ed in schools. Healthier. Save the paperwork. Unemployed people and free healthcare is a recipe for financial disaster.

GrassRoot says...

clueless. just does not know what to else talk about. sell it to the Chinese and all gets better. We will have the Greek Restaurant run by Chinese, the T-Shirt Shop by Chinese, the Jewelery store run by Chinese. And the Bahamians will be slaving for minimum wage. But hey, as I said the Chinese have become natives in the mindset of this Government.

GrassRoot says...

I guess you are right, the Chinese are not foreigners anymore here.

GrassRoot says...

he can still write a book and photoshop Obama into the pictures of the launching party. I bet some numberz boyz will buy up the whole issue to make him feel good.

GrassRoot says...

University of the Bahamas. Am sure we can make some money as a title mill.

GrassRoot says...

well that's the whole point, COB is not teaching these classes. They only offer them. In ACCA105 you learn how make paper planes. In ACCA 305 you refine your poker skills, ACCA426 no one signs up for, else they will never get a job with the Government. ACCA313 is the only useful class, as they teach you how to account for the child support payments for your out of wedlock kids.

GrassRoot says...

u just sayin that to annoy birdie, right?

GrassRoot says...

who cares. its like with kids. They want to grow up, fine. But stop putting th blame on your parents. If a new government takes over, they take over the good, the bad and the ugly. Tough shit. But then, yes, professional people need to be involved. as we lack a lot of well educated people, maybe we should start hiring ethical people.

GrassRoot says...

should be the motto of our country