Comment history

Grillup says... employer in the private sector pays 50% of the health premium.

On Wilson 'back as BUT president'

Posted 12 June 2013, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

Nope. That just about does it

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

Incredible. So they are hard pressed to pay what is already soon to come due, but lets go and lend them another $60M from NIB.

Better in The Bahamas!!!

Grillup says...

I think equally as disturbing is the fact this government is now into its second year of being in office and still seems to be stuck reliving the past five years.
Get over it are the government now..............focus on the issues......not on trying to make yourself look good by attacking what others may or may not have done.

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

He said ......she said................
But they all do nothing.

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

"So said done"
So while in opposition criticise the FNM for everything they was doing.........then when in government, claim credit for what was actually done.
So done!!!

On ‘Unions must fight for BTC’

Posted 12 June 2013, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

Ending discrimination has NO exceptions!!!

Grillup says...

Sadly.........maybe by the time another election comes around no CRIME/Murder Bill boards will need to be errected..............all the toursits will already know............many having already personally experienced the violence.

Mr. PM I know: "it is what it is"

On Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Posted 11 June 2013, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Grillup says...

So, the plan is to build more homes with the Peoples' money, and give mortgages to who? the 4,000 who already cannot pay their mortgage and did not quailfy for the relief plan, or the 30,000 believed to now be unemployed or unemployable in this country?.....Interesting to say the least.

Arawak Homes: Yay!!
Cargill: Nay!!

PLP 2.0

Grillup says...

Some very good and valid points raised.

On 'Worried about Baha Mar'

Posted 10 June 2013, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal