Comment history

Groidal says...

Columbus is the capiatal of Ohio

Groidal says...

Fabulous! Another clueless idiot as ambassador reached almost 4 years too late. Mr Trump really must value his Bahamas relationship


Posted 18 May 2020, 6:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Groidal says...

In my youth SW was known to not be welcoming to my culture and background. Has this changed in recent years?

Groidal says...

I have only been to Briland once in my lifetime due to a problem with mobility that keeps me from airplanes and rocky boat rides but who in their right mind would approve an obscene project like "Briland Residences & Marina" in a pristine environment like Harbour Island, Eleuthera? Short sighted, greedy and stupid planning has lead us to this sorry state. I hope this grotesque obscenity is cancelled permanently

Groidal says...

Whoa! Hang on! "Drivers Must Abide By Regulations To Reduce Traffic Deaths"
Sage advice by our boys in blue!

Why didn't anyone tell us this sooner??

Groidal says...

Well I for one feel much more secure now, seeing these guys with their guts bursting over their ridiculous uniforms and their little sticks.

Meanwhile, Jetski thugs are raping and beating tourists on Cabbage beach,...oh wait..

On Police Commissioner leads Bay Street walkabout

Posted 27 December 2019, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Groidal says...

im glad these guys are alright. it must take balls of forged steel to fly an 85 year old plane, that pre dates WW2 until it quite literally "falls out of the sky"

Groidal says...

mistah fred done be needin dem krutchezz

Groidal says...

except now we get these every year

Groidal says...

beautifully put