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Guest2468 says...

I personally do not fully support the reparations argument because of several logistical issues. But I do wholeheartedly support a the issuance of an apology. Whatever follows that apology is another story.

Our ancestors received little to no respect in life, let us please allow them some in death. Its fine to disagree, but do not demonize the individuals who would seek what they consider justice on their behalf.

Again I am not advocating for reparations, but I feel that there are unresolved issues regarding slavery and this discussion will bring up a suitable dialogue to bring about closure.

Guest2468 says...

That currently goes on. If your family had land and someone claims it as there's do you not have every right in the world to challenge them for what you believe is yours.

And the slaves may be gone but there legacy isn't. The perpetrators of slavery may be gone but their legacy isnt either. The sad thing is a lot of people rather cling to the negative teachings than the positive ones.

Guest2468 says...

One has nothing to do with the other in my opinion. The world did not start spinning when you were born and it won't stop when you die. Countries are still going to war in 2014 just as they were B.C.

I agree with all you said about requiring better from ourselves for ourselves, but at the same time there are people who would like to seek justice on behalf of their ancestors whom without their strength they wouldnt be here. I am simply not getting in their way. And them trying to argue their position does not take away from you expecting more from your people.

Guest2468 says...

I just want to clarify that I am not in support of suing for reparations. I just dont agree with shooting people down who do support the idea and not hearing their point of view. Also why is this considered a hand out or like we are beggars? Slaves never asked for anything other than to be treated with respect and they didn't even get that. They were used as livestock for profit. So if their descendants decide they would like to pursue obtaining that profit that their forefathers worked for, why are they bums?

Guest2468 says...

I just want to clarify that I am not in support of suing for reparations. I just dont agree with shooting people down who do support the idea and not hearing their point of view. Also why is this considered a hand out or like we are beggars? Slaves never asked for anything other than to be treated with respect and they didn't even get that. They were used as livestock for profit. So if their descendants decide they would like to pursue obtaining that profit that their forefathers worked for, why ate they bums?

Guest2468 says...

I am simply looking at the issue from different perspectives because it is multifaceted. One way to look at it is that you are starting to take responsibility by seeking justice where you felt you were done wrong. After which the chips fall where they may but the record will show that you exercised your rights and didn't sit in silence out of fear of offending the powers that be.

Guest2468 says...

Or you can go after both parties.

If I get caught shipping drugs to you to sell locally who is going to jail? Legally both of us should aye?

Guest2468 says...

One could argue that these individuals do have self respect and respect for their country and that is what led them to pursue this case. If I respect myselfand you harm me I will call you out on into matter who you are. Its when people question their own self worth they become a gluten for punishment and accept whatever people say or do to them.

Guest2468 says...

I think most of these comments above are quite disrespectful. Its one thing if you dont believe we should pursue reparations for whatever reason, but to bad mouth people who feel as though they have a right and responsibility to try and seek justice for their country is deplorable.

Guest2468 says...

As a young bahamian as I read the comments above it reminds me of one of the many things wrong in bahamian society.

Instead of y'all focus on the points the man made on improving the country's terrible state the country is in and possibly come up with more solutions, y'all wanna try figure out what angle the man from. The fact is it really doesnt matter. While the country burning to the ground y'all could still try and figure out who is power hungry and is trying to be a dictator.

People need to come together and focus on what is important because soon there won't be a country to fight over. Y'all need to grow up and get out the sandbox on the playground Mann.

I personally think his idea for a curfew is excellent and far overdue because many people in the country already live on a self implemented curfew due to the fear of crime.

On DNA leader calls for curfew to tackle crime

Posted 7 January 2014, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal