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Guest2468 says...…

What will it take for us to realize that this crime issue is serious and should be addressed as such. We cannot treat this as business as usual and expect a different result.

On Tourists robbed at downtown night spot

Posted 25 May 2013, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Guest2468 says...

This really is disturbing news. Would jut like to say that I don't necessarily agree with the individual who was robbed. Its like going to New York and getting robbed and saying that you will never visit the United States again. While crime in Nassau or even New Providence at this point is out of control, I would not say that this reflects on the entire country. You never hear any negative news from many family islands so lets not cast a negative light on the entire country when it is the misconduct of a number of the citizens of Nassau that is to blame.

With that being said, I am still of the belief that a curfew should be implemented in New Providence until the crime is under control. Curfews have proven effective in other West Indian countries such as Trinidad and Tobago and I believe it could be a step in the right direction with this issue.

On Tourists robbed at downtown night spot

Posted 25 May 2013, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Guest2468 says...

The fact is that last year, statistics showed that about half of the children that left government high schools, did not meet the graduation requirements so did not get a diploma, but were instead given a leavers certificate.

They are the future of the country and they make up a good percentage of the population that the government whats to place referendums on things such as drilling for oil. The fact is if you have a 6th grade reading level they could provide you with every article ever written on the benefits and dangers of drilling for oil, but you won't understand it and will be voting as an ignorant party.

Guest2468 says...

I would have to disagree on the point that Bahamians have always been violent people. Granted in recent years violence has escalated,but so has the foreign influence on the Bahamian youth. The traditional culture of the Bahamian people is not violent. Bahamians have never fought in a war of their own, before or after independence and many countries in the word that are viewed as civilized and peaceful cannot say the same.

Guest2468 says...

This was a tragic incident indeed. I feel that the island of New Providence should be placed under a curfew until there is a better handle on the crime. This would show the Bahamian people as well as the United States Embassy that we are serious about decreasing crime and drastic measures will be taken to that end.