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Gypsy says...

Nobody apologized when Saddam was wrongly lynched after a fake war was started in his country. Though he may have deserved it it wasn't America's right to be there at that time. George W. Bush now deserves it but if that happens there would be hell to pay. I'm just agitated by every time something happens to an American there's this urgency to "lotion" by many nations, now ours. If Americans brought a film crew into the Bahamas & ridiculed Christianity & our island ways & culture like the silly girl some months ago who wrote the most offensive column & someone got hurt I really couldn't imagine mourning. The "other issues" are why these thing happen to them my lord. Don't get me wrong, I respect what you're saying as well but I'm also sick of all our politicians same way. SICK of them all, green, red, yellow & any other that rises with the same parasitic mentality.


Angry Bahamian...

On Bahamas speaks out against attack in Libya

Posted 13 September 2012, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Gypsy says...

How could you be shocked & dismayed by the violence in a territory that has had violence in it's history since the dawn of time? While I'm of Christian belief, how do you go to someone else's country offend them & what they stand for & not expect consequence. The Libyan government issued an apology on behalf of the "rebels" & while I understand that it's because he was an ambassador which is why anyone cares, it seems there is an agenda. Don't misunderstand my message... I feel for anyone who loses their lives or family to senseless violence as I've lost family members to our own known local terrorists who grease officials to stay out of local & foreign prisons & no apologies were issued, no condolences were issued just a big "eff" you, your family members deserved it. Well unfortunately there are some Americans that deserve it as well considering the damage that can follow in their paths. Iguana eating, barefoot banditting, wife/husband killing & bury the body out West, police beating, race insulting, drug selling/buying, money laundering, tax evading, water poaching, Haitian killing, peeing on corpses, scandalous, offensive, fleeing to the Bahamas, threatening group of people. Obviously not all but everyone knows ALL the situations I've touched. Everyone wants to get on the bandwagon when things look beneficial. Is it because of the prospects of oil or the new Bahamar project you lotioning for??? Oh let me guess this may just be "a genuine gesture from a politician", *wink wink*... Whatever man!!!

On Bahamas speaks out against attack in Libya

Posted 13 September 2012, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal