Comment history

HarryBlack says...

I understand you are fedup, but that's alot of hate, and hate never resolves anything. You should at least be thankful that you live in a country where you are free to express yourself as in this case. Im confident the prime minister will see your point, and immediately change his shit ways... Thanks for sharing

HarryBlack says...

If the Bahamas is a sovereign country, then we should be able to have gambling facilities that do not violate prudent financial norms. Webshop money goes through banks now without consequence, so why suggest a potential blacklisting? I think that might be one of the reasons why the government wants to regulate the Webshops, to bring them to a certain standard so as to minimize any risk of a blacklisting. I like Bran, but he needs to sometimes set politics aside, and try to encourage the government. Being critical of the governments failures is one thing, but suggesting a potential blacklisting, is no different than suggesting that a meteorite will come crashing down tomorrow. I think it would be smarter to offer the government helpful suggestions for the inevitable legislation, rather than be prematurely critical of them. A view that is loyal to objection is suspect to me. Our politicians need to wise up.

HarryBlack says...

This is a serious problem, and it is rooted in the current morale and values of many of our people. Consequently, the solution will have to be one that aims to improve the morale and values of all Bahamians. And to be fair, because the nature of the problem, it is very difficult for any government to administer a quick solution. Our country is so horrible right now, most of the people complaining about the level of crime, are just as angry and potentially just as dangerous as those criminals that do get caught. To many Bahamians have completely abandoned the idea that one should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In the Bahamas, it's "do unto others as you see fit" and things like love and care are things thought only be in the movies. There is a selfish, greedy, "sense of entitlement" kind of thinking that needs to change yesterday, if we are to affect change in the vicious crime trend we see today.

HarryBlack says...

I admire the ambition of this man, but it appears he is lacking the proper experience and prudent advice necessary for the success of this kind of venture.

HarryBlack says...

Mr. Minnis's comments were not at all appropriate and utterly insensitive. We all know the plane is lost, but this fact was not relevant to the point Mr. Minnis was attempting to make about the PLP, and frankly, it seemed completely off topic. What Mr. Minnis said is no different than saying, the PLP is as dead as your great grandmother. It's a horrible comparison and anyone with a heart should understand that.

HarryBlack says...

The root cause of our problems is greed. Greed for material things, greed for other people's way of life, and greed for food. We need to tackle the demon of greed in this country.

On Stabbed to death for a plate of food

Posted 8 April 2014, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

HarryBlack says...

Killed over a plate of food?
I thought The Bahamas was the wealthiest nation in the region.... This speaks wonders as to the value of life in the Bahamas.
So what now??? It's not just your money and personal items you have to protect, it's also your corn beef and white rice???? Are we gonna have to start clamping down on restaurants, like we did with the cash for gold establishments? This is a downright crying shame that anyone could kill for food, and we all sit back and write it off as just another crime statistic. We are doomed!!! This is past sad, sad, sad, sad!!!!! Someone, anyone please do something to help Bahamians to appreciate life!!! The Bahamas is becoming the laughing stock of the world!

On Stabbed to death for a plate of food

Posted 8 April 2014, 2:29 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryBlack says...

I agree B_I_D. There must be a viable alternative to our immigration woes.

On Civil liberty fear over random check

Posted 13 December 2013, 2:25 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryBlack says...

I hope they do.

On Civil liberty fear over random check

Posted 13 December 2013, 2:22 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryBlack says...

Because of fraud, a request for two forms of identification is standard in the circumstances.

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 12 December 2013, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal