Comment history

HaveSomeTruth says...

Shut up Tommy T! You have no say on anything! Dismal MONS!

HaveSomeTruth says...

Mr. Moncur that is no way the problem. The problem is too many uneducated, ghetto, angry young women are getting pregnant by uneducated, ghetto, angry, immature men. I say we need less "taking seed" and more contraceptive use. I can not understand why our black people today can not use protection. Why would you want to bring a child into your world when you can not take care of yourself financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually?! I will never understand that thinking. And the pattern is the man leaves the woman on her own with the baby. Over and over again it happens and still we see young women walking with 2 and 3 children!!! When are we going to slow down the rate our population is growing?! And not a population of scientists or doctors, but more criminals. These are the kids growing up with no parenting or guidance from the parent.

HaveSomeTruth says...


On 'Bahamas is open for business'

Posted 8 June 2012, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

HaveSomeTruth says...

Man the things I have to say to him just keep coming to me. Maynard. PC is getting the country together (if they don't I won't be supporting them) and are lambasting you all at the same time. It's called **multitasking**!

HaveSomeTruth says...

Additionally, you should be focusing on your home life instead of what PC has to say. Your wife and your side pieces. You want to run a country but your own life is a mess. PC home life is together. HA!

HaveSomeTruth says...

To Charles Maynard: Pot. Kettle. Black. You all did the same thing for the time you were in. The PLP never left your leader's mouth. Come on now! There's 5 years of audio as evidence.

HaveSomeTruth says...

I agree with you 200% that we are a nation of gambling, lying, cheating, faux church atendees etc etc. But you never explained why you think UR will not work. You just throw out the insults without any reasoning behind it. Your comment jumps from fathers, rude youth, to lying, cheating, gambling, church. What does UR have to do with them not knowing their fathers? They didn't know their fathers before UR and PC's team came into the community. UR can not do more harm than good. It is a giant start. This article really made me understand it immensely. It's a very hands on approach to crime. They are walking around, door to door, to address the needs. Then they deal with it. I've worked with these type of troubled inner city people and the #1 thing I noticed is they just really want someone to care. Take an interest in their problem. UR defintely does it as they are talking to each individual in the area. I say keep it going.

HaveSomeTruth says...

Finally some harmony! Gotta say that's how I like it. They are different parties but should come together as one for the sake of the island. It's using your brain instead of your ego. So I must tip my hat to Mr. Allen. Now if only the supporters of these parties would be so harmonious....(but I doubt it).

On Former FNM MP backs urban renewal

Posted 8 June 2012, 7:36 a.m. Suggest removal

HaveSomeTruth says...

Oh no. Please don't. I can't take anymore. Unable to even sleep without a fan or A/C on. Please Mr. Christie respond. This country is enough of a hell hole as it is; we don't need intentional acts of turning off electricity.