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Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

I cannot help but think that have Commade Culmer as Chairman is, in itself, a statement that the FNM is also guilty of being regressive. Time for the injection of some new blood with fresh ideas rather than peddaling the same-old political rhetoric from these tired old dinosaurs

On Culmer tells PLP not to hold country back

Posted 22 February 2018, 4:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

Couldn't agree more. In times gone by, the lure of environment was as much as that of the job. In this day and age, with many more countries and locations seeking to attract expertise (Dubai for example), how the local conditions stack up against the opposition is just as important. Sadly, Bahamas is way behind on this - I know - lived there for a couple of years.

On Gov’t unveils ‘fast track’ work permits

Posted 20 October 2017, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

This assumes, of course, that the original intention was to complete the project on time which I doubt. The whole sorry saga smells of a well managed plot to siphon-off money for personal enrichment and hide/mask the whole process through a complex process of bankruptcy, litigation and counter litigation. The only losers here will be the Bahamian people - not the political elite of either party, not the Baha Mar investors and certainly not the Chinese.

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

What I cannot get my head around is the cost of this project. While I do understand that the airport and road improvements are all part of the $3.5 Billion cost, what proportion of that is attributed to the Bahar Mar property. I have seen a figure of $2.5 Billion. If this is true, then this needs to be looked at in the context of other major hotel projects:-

Burj Khalifa Dubai - worlds tallest building - $1.5Bn
Kingdom Tower Jeddah - soon to be worlds tallest building - $1.23Bn

How has Baha Mar cost so much more for what it really a quite small hotel complex. Where has all the money gone and it's still not finished.

On All ‘in denial’ on Baha Mar opening miss

Posted 28 February 2016, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

Someone asked why the Government had to insert itself into a private matter?. Why indeed, unless some of the current ruling political class have some murky dealings in all this that may come to light unless they obfuscate the whole proceedings behind a mask of government probity. Mind-you, this whole Baha-mar saga has gone on so long that those on the other side of the house are probably equally up to their necks in the Baha-mar mire. I think it was Winston Churchill who said that the difference between a Politician and a Statesman is that a Politician does what he does form his own benefit while a Statesman does what he does for the benefit of the country. Seems to me that we have a whole bunch of politicians masquerading as statesmen. The whole things stinks. For those that fret that this paints Bahamas in a very bad light - you are correct but then ask yourselves - who elected the government?.

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

One can always tell when the Hon. PC is telling lies - his lips move!

On PM hits back at Baha Mar 'untruths'

Posted 17 July 2015, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

Would you trust your last $ to this man?

On PM hits back at Baha Mar 'untruths'

Posted 17 July 2015, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

They'll be hitting each other with their handbags next or maybe sort it out with a bikini mud wrestling match. You don't need stem cell therapy to stay young, you ned to grow-up

On Nygard claims target Bacon

Posted 16 July 2013, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go says...

So, just to put some perspective on this, the national debt amounts to some $12,000 for every man, woman and child in the country - scary or what?

On Tax reform paper set for October release

Posted 25 September 2012, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal