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Hogfish says...

anyone else notice that every single one of them mfs is FAT.

On Deficit cut by ‘two-thirds’

Posted 28 May 2015, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

Has **spending** been reduced at all ??

Still running a **deficit** and **ADDING to the National DEBT** even as you pile more tax on our backs.

I see right thru your bullshit Wutless Perry. And i still see your fatass laughing at us small folk while you get rich and more fat.

The only thing of merit is the $20 mil for a youth program to try and stop our sons killing each other.

BUT we all know this is going to be *just like urban renewal* where friends and pals get contracts/ handouts and kick backs and nothing will get done and there will be no accountability .

Hogfish says...

ask him also if he finished paying his light bill, remember there was still **150K** to go!

Hogfish says...

awww .... this poor little yellow-belly coward speaker has his feelings hurt while he's protecting thieves and destroying the integtriy of our democracy..


and trevor smith gets gunned down in broad daylight while he's trying to make an honest day living.

On House in uproar

Posted 27 May 2015, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

what ??!
so you think each time the landowner has to pay and clean up just because these niggas bein disgusting?
There is just no enforcement of dumping and littering laws. I see jackasses through empty can and foam box out the truck all the time.
But people getting killed in braod daylight and the police can't keep up or have given up, so you think they going to check for some garbage?
There is just a steady decline to the moral fiber of our society as we follow our so called leaders by example.

Hogfish says...

YES !!!
forget about that richkid punkass dingman. I hear he owe plenny people money!

all the best of luck to Mr. Bain and family.

I ga drive all the way out there just for one of them banana dacquiri. Just like the good old days.

But yoll dont get too crazy with them 'west' prices nah!!

Hogfish says...

wonder how powersecure is going to handle all the big outstanding accounts of the plp-buttkissers and mukamuks, like snake, and Lady SLOP.
remember how she owed **300K** in property tax!! and still became GG (- sick). Well her light bill supposed to be plenny high too!!

Hogfish says...

potcake finish paying his light bill yet??

250K - 100k (in illegal cash payment!) = still 150k to go!!!!!!!

Hogfish says...

this stinkass plp talkin about referendums

this gonna be another 'opinion poll' if they don't like the result and do what they want anyways?

'Believe in Bahamians' they said. My fat black ass...

go F#@% yourself stink wutless plp!

On Promised referendum 'not abandoned'

Posted 21 May 2015, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

the name frank wilson is the same as finlayson. = dog shit on the road.

All people, including over-the-hill, know they are just rich,
but what they say has no credibility.