Comment history

Hogfish says...

this nasty useless cr@bby always on the back foot to try and shout and scream in reaction because she yet again been proven to be the most wutless minister.

what happen still to the missings 600,000 that was stolen right under ya stale ass !!?? No more Comments from that I see !

Hogfish says...

the very same disgusting devil who got the criminals freed from murdering the good Dr. Rassin.

why I een surprised he running for PHELLP ?!

On Munroe likely to be ratified for PLP ticket

Posted 18 January 2017, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

oh yeah? come man, names please! who is that? please educate this old negro because that would be interesting to know!

On KFC managers take strike vote

Posted 16 January 2017, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

so this big time Sy fella is now running around trying to damage control and say don't be pointing the fingers at us! (ha! he mussy plp!).

but what I read at the end that he admits if you wasn't rich enough to send your child away and had to stay home then yes the child would have died !

Lord have mercy...

On Paediatric care in The Bahamas

Posted 13 January 2017, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

Mr. Raine,

What would you expect otherwise?. Mario Carey been selling out his country to the highest foreign bidders for decades and continues to do so. No amount of money is enough to stop.

On Keep govt out of Airbnb

Posted 5 January 2017, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

he says : immediate stoppage on “wasteful spending"

but then is worried about "job losses and a reduction in government services"

but thats exactly what we need !!

half of government needs to be fired! thats the only way you could stop the wastage!

but een no one for all the talk got those kind of balls and resolve.

On FNM pledges on solar, health and culture

Posted 5 January 2017, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

so what do Bahamians pay? or this is only foreigners ?

Hogfish says...

To my fellow Bahamians in the Constituency of Marathon,

It is now as all can have witnessed that there is many a nasty character in the PHellP! but I believe yours Fitzgerald is the most disgusting dog of the entire stinking bunch. (Him and Gray). He already tried to hide the truths and let you all get poison but the Rubis spill and now he is so less than a man to blame teachers for what is his responsibility.

This rat simply has no Shame !!

Hogfish says...

Chinese First !

On No VAT on Baha Mar completion

Posted 5 January 2017, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

juss in time ey! election comin!

good thing for these teachers this was not back in 2012/13.... they would be waiting a long time.