Comment history

Hollie says...

This is already organized crime. Additionally some of the persons involved allegedly have connections to drugs and people smuggling.
Money Laundering is already taking place. Persons involved in the webshop numbers business had opened other companies that they are using to set up bank accounts to deposit money derived from illegal gambling into the banks.
According to Monroes theory we should also legalize Cocaine and Marajuana. These drugs are the root of much of the violence in our society. Monroe's argument is Stupid

Hollie says...

The Government and Yellow Police commissioner will do absolutely nothing! They know who these guys are but nothing will be done.

What has happened to the Flowers case. He was convicted of selling numbers He appealed. His government came in power and the case has now disappeared.

The police seem to be giving the numbers men enough time to remove any evidence and to get their money out of the country.

Hollie says...

It seems like the Web shops have paid off everyone. This is like the the drug days of the 80s when the cartels had the government and police on lock.
At least the drug boys pleaded not guilty and denied being drug boys. But these numbers boy are admitting and have admitted to these crimes publicly and continue to spit in the face of the law.
These guys should be arrested, taken to criminal court and the criminal courts should decide if they have committed crimes.
Commissioner I have now lost all faith in you and the police force. This is exactly why the country is in the crime ridden state it is in!
You did not have to open an investigation to lock up Flowers in 2009.
Stop using the business license thing as an excuse: I have a license for a pharmacy does that mean that I can now sell cocaine to the public?!
Commission please get off you yellow back side and do you job or step down!